A Seasonal Guide To Dealing With Household Pests

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Household Pests

There are many pests that can cause enormous damage to your home – and even impact your health as well. It is vital to get pest control at the first sign of infiltration so getting to know the signs is vital.

Termite damage alone in Australia leads to upwards of $780 million in damage every year while many pests carry viruses, bacteria and pathogens that can cause extreme illness.

Like many creatures, pests often become more prominent depending on the season. As they enter their breeding season their numbers can explode and these pests can become enormous problems in your home. Consider installing bug zappers, which are available from Ozzi Mozzie.

These are the primary pests listed by season and how you prevent them impacting your premises and your health.


As the chill of winter eases off, fresh blooms aren’t the only things to pop up with the spring sun. This is a season where spiders thrive along with many other household pests, including:

St. Andrews Cross Spider: While these spiders won’t cause humans harm, their nests will attract a range of flying insects like bees and wasps that can cause issues.

Redback spider: A well-known venomous Australian spider that can cause extreme harm and even death – although only the female has a venomous bite. Worse of all, they like to hide in dark spaces so you will often only find them after they have already bitten you.

Huntsman spider: Not aggressive, but venomous all the same. Proper pest control will keep spiders out of your home where they can cause harm.

Whitefly: If you have a veggie garden, these moth-like pests will feast on your fresh produce.

Cockroaches: They love warm and humid conditions so thrive during the spring season. Out of the way baits can be effective, but proper pest control will work better.

Bees: Not typically regarded as a pest because they are essential for the pollination of plants and are also in record low numbers worldwide. But for people with allergies, they can cause major issues and this is the season they will thrive in.

Wasps: These flying insects can pack quite the punch with their sting and they also love the spring season.

Ants: They will arrive in their thousands, infiltrating every crack of your home in search of food.


As the weather heats up many types of household pests will enter their breeding season and will actively seek out food. The primary ones to look out for include:

Fleas: The very sound of them probably makes you feel itchy. They are small and hard to detect and can be easily carried into your home by pets or even human hair and clothing.

Ticks: Some varieties of tick can be fatal for pets and can make humans very unwell, especially your children. Take the appropriate care to protect your pets (and also your family).

Silverfish: These pests love to feed on fabric – especially the winter woollens you have put away in storage. Ensure they are properly sealed and the storage area is treated for pests regularly.

Bed bugs: As their name suggests they love to live and breed in your mattress and bed linen. They pack a nasty bite and can draw blood. Ensure you mattress and linen is regularly (and properly) cleaned.

Termites: As they breed they will search for food – which can be anything timber in your home. Professional services are required to create barriers to stop them.

Flies: Summer is the season for slapping away at flies that tend to breed like crazy in the hotter weather.

Mosquitos: Not only will they feed on your blood, they carry disease. They will breed in any vessel containing water so check your yard regularly.


As the weather and the leaves on the tree both begin to fall, the volume of pests usually dips off as well. But you should still be vigilant as there are some dangerous ones that will persist through Autumn including:

Termites: The problem with Australia is there are varieties of pests active across all seasons. Even though termites are traditionally a summer pest, subterranean termites love the cold. They will remain a presence all year round so having the proper, professional preventative measures in place is vital.

Snails and slugs: They can shred your garden and veggie pack before you know it, but they can be kept at bay with organic pesticides.


While winter is not traditionally a season when pests will breed and arrive in large numbers to seek out food, they are a problem for another reason – warmth.

Ants, spiders, termites and other pests lurking in your yard are going to be attracted to your home as they seek out warmth and comfort to see out the winter months.

Preparing your home in advance is the best way to ensure you aren’t inviting the outdoor pests to the inside of your home.

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