Alzheimer’s Disease – When You Can No Longer Provide Care at Home

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As your loved ones move through the different stages of Alzheimer’s, they will need proper care. After all, prescribed medicines will only help to control symptoms but will not cure the disease. With time, symptoms such as confusion and memory loss will only get worse. As a result, you will require more help. A stage will come when you are no longer able to offer care at home. Often, you may think that asking for some sort of help indicates a lack of care or weakness, yet its opposite is true. Taking help will show your strength. This will mean that you are aware of your limits as well as the right time to seek support. 

What to Expect During the Mid and Last-Stages of Alzheimer’s?

  • Mid Stage- The middle stage of all the stages will last the longest. As the symptoms continue, your loved one will need better memory care in order to function during the day to day living. During this stage, the patient will need individualized care provided through licensed nurses, staff, or a caregiver who can offer support and assistance with their aging and memory problems. You can begin by searching for the best memory care near you or even ask for references. 

Alzheimer’s, unfortunately, results in cognitive decline and damage in the brain, which makes it challenging for the patient to express their thoughts accurately and clearly and also carry out the routine tasks. During the mid-stage, your loved ones may get frustrated quickly, jumble their words, or behave in unexpected ways. At times this may become stressful on your part to handle. Luckily several resources can take care of your needs.

  • Last Stage- During this stage, the care needs become extensive, so home care may not suffice. Here taking the help of care facilities will be the need of the hour. Today, many resources offer quality care to Alzheimer’s patients, which will reduce the risk of them falling or wandering due to the 24/7 supervision offered there. 

The Different Options that Can Act as a Savior 

As a proud Bowie resident, you are well aware that your family comes first, so selecting the best Alzheimer’s care is a vital decision you need to make in life. But which one will be the most ideal for your loved one? This question is indeed difficult to answer as this rests on several factors such as your budget, the stage of the disease, and how much your loved one is capable of caring for themselves. Take a look at the different choices, 

  • Retirement Housing- This is an ideal setting if your loved one is in the early stage and can live alone safely as well as care for themselves but cannot manage an entire house. These places usually do not offer supervision round the clock, and the staff may have minimal knowledge about Alzheimer’s. 
  • Basic Assisted Living- It is a step between living in a nursing home and living independently. An assisted-living facility will offer meals and housing and healthcare services, and other support that your dear one needs, such as assistance with bathing or chores. 
  • Nursing Homes- If your loved one needs long-term medical treatment and 24/7 care; nursing homes will be the right choice. They can address different needs like medical care, nutrition, spirituality, social activities, and daily care planning. Most facilities offer special units for those with Alzheimer’s. They are placed in a separate section where staff undergo special training to look after Alzheimer’s. Medicaid can be used in most nursing homes as payment, while long-term care insurance policies may cover a part of the cost. 
  • Memory Care- Today, special memory care units are available that have been specially made for Alzheimer’s patients. The staffs here have special training to offer proper care to patients. At the same time, programming wonderfully caters to those with memory failure requirements and comprises safety measures such as security staff and secured exits. During advanced stages, shifting your loved one to memory care will be the right choice. Many good facilities offer memory care in Bowie, MD.
  • Hospice Services- These services offer care to those nearing the end of life and not getting treatment for curing their serious illness. Professional hospice services can offer such patients a pain-free and comfortable living within the hospice facility or their home. They will also offer you support by offering end-of-life care. The best part, you can stop these services if you desire to get curative treatments again. 
  • Adult Day Care Services- They offer activities, a safe environment, and staff that focus on the patient’s needs in the adult care facility. These facilities also offer transportation services. They will pick up the patient, take them to the daycare, and also drop them back at the facility. In short, it will offer you a much-needed break. 
  • Continuum Care Retirement Community- They offer residential care at different levels- nursing home services, assisted living, and independent living, all at one location. The patient can move about within the facility in order to receive various services as their needs change. 

So, make the right pick as per the stage of the disorder to gift your loved one a comfortable life. 

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  1. […] study recently led the National Institutes on Aging to associate gum disease with dementia and Alzheimer�s development. Other evidence suggests mouth bacteria may influence heart […]

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