Am I Drinking Too Much? This Is How to Tell

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Did you know around 80% of American adults will drink alcohol during their lifetime? 

Has the thought “am I drinking too much” ever crossed your mind? Binge drinking is defined as consuming more than five drinks in one day. 

In this article, we’ll look at a few signs that your drinking has become a problem. It may be time to curtail your drinking with the help of a professional.

1. You’re Regularly Hungover

If you wake up with a pounding headache, muscle fatigue, shakiness, or dizziness, you maybe hungover. 

Everyone experiences a hangover once in a while, especially if you’ve been out with friends you haven’t seen in a long time. But, if you begin waking up hungover a few times per week, you may have a problem with drink. 

To cure your hangover, drink lots of water, take a few painkillers, and eat vegetable broth and sugary foods. 

2. You Drink To Relieve Stress

The first sip of wine after a long, hard day at work is a feeling that can’t be replicated. But, if you’re reaching for the bottle whenever you’re feeling stress, this is a problem. 

Using alcohol to hide from our feelings is a slippery slope. Furthermore, alcohol only provides short-term relief from feelings of stress or anxiety. 

Instead of turning to the bottle, try to come up with healthy ways to deal with your stress. Many people swear by running, long walks, conversations with friends, herbal teas, aromatherapy, a long bath, or meditation, and yoga.

It may take some time to find an alternate stress reliever, but it will help you avoid problem drinking in the long run. 

3. You’re the Drinker Amongst Friends and Family

Are your friends always joking about something you did while drunk? This may be a sign that you’re the drinker in your friendship group. 

If you have a reputation for loving a drink, you may need to reassess your relationship with alcohol. This is especially the case if someone has seriously spoken to you about your habit. 

Your family and friends may stage an intervention in which they recommend Alcohol Treatment. Although this may feel like an ambush, try to be open-minded as they are showing that they care through their concern. 

4. You Can’t Stick to Your Limits

When you wake up, do you think “I won’t drink today” but find yourself with a glass of wine in your hand by 5 pm? This is a sign that you may have an addiction. 

Going cold turkey may help some people, but often the best way to deal with an addiction is to speak with your doctor. 

When you’re struggling to stick to your limit, try calling a friend who knows what you’re struggling with or read through a list of reasons not to drink that you’ve written down while clear-headed.

Am I Drinking Too Much Alcohol?

If you’re still asking the question “am I drinking too much”? try counting the units or drinks you consume throughout the week.

There are many phone tracking apps to help or try writing down everything you drink on paper. If you are struggling, there is no shame in asking for help. Try booking an appointment with a doctor or an addiction counselor. 

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