9 Amazing Benefits of Basil Seeds

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Big things come in little packets! Think Basil seeds, and this thought ought to cross your mind. These minuscule, tiny seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients and an effective natural remedy for various health issues. The immunity boosting capabilities of this plant, among many other health benefits, is common knowledge. To be precise, the health benefits of Sabja seeds are umpteen!

Basil seeds are derived from the seeds of the Ocimum sanctum plant.. They are commonly used in drinks and desserts and are also recommended as part of Ayurveda and ancient Chinese medicine. They have been used as a home remedy for thousands of years. They are packed with nutrients and contain high amounts of fiber, protein, and iron. Also known as basil seeds, they provide numerous health benefits like being good for weight loss, digestion, treating cough and cold, boosting immunity, and much more.

How to Eat Basil Seeds

Basil seeds are most nourishing when soaked in water and eaten. They begin to expand at the touch of water, with a translucent white film coating every black seed, and they become double their size. You can soak about 2 teaspoons of basil seeds in 1 cup of warm water for about 15 minutes. Warm water causes the seeds to swell up, releasing antioxidants and beneficial digestive enzymes fully.

Health benefits of basil seeds

1. Weight Management

These little seeds can do miracles for weight management; the high density of omega-three fatty acids makes these superseeds a great thing to add to your daily food and lose weight healthily. Basil seeds are a rich source of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), which is enriched with the goodness of Omega-3 fatty acids. Basil seeds aid in reducing hunger pangs and keep you satiated for a long time.

2. Reduce body heat

It’s a perfect thing to consume during summers by adding to your beverages. It helps in lessening body heat as these seeds work as natural cooling substances. This is why it is added to various detox drinks. Right from adding curd to drinks, these seeds can quickly help in reducing body heat.

3. Prevents common cold and flu

Intake of basil seeds can prevent and cure common cold, viral fevers, and flu. The antispasmodic properties of basil seeds can relax the strained muscles and cure a dry cough. 

4. Improves digestion

Basil seeds can inherently detoxify the body and facilitate bowel movements. These basil seeds are reputed to be natural laxatives. Drinking basil seeds with warm water or milk can relieve digestion issues, constipation, and bloating.

5. Controls Blood Sugar Levels

Basil seeds are considered to be excellent for type 2 diabetics as it is believed to monitor blood sugar levels. They slacken the metabolism of your body and control the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose. You could mix soaked basil seeds in a glass of milk and have it for breakfast. It makes for a wonderful health drink.

6. Treats Acidity and Heartburn

Basil seeds mollify stomach burn, and their diuretic functions eliminate the toxins from your body. They balance the acidic effect of HCL in the body and bring relief. Soaked basil seeds are water rich, and they help in soothing the stomach lining and thus relieve the burning sensation.

7. For Healthy Skin and Hair

Basil seeds crushed into coconut oil and applied to concerned areas help in relieving several skin infections like psoriasis and eczema. Squash the seeds without soaking it, in a cup of coconut oil, and warm it for a few minutes before using it. Eating basil seeds regularly helps your body produce collagen, which is essential to form new skin cells as and when they are impaired due to normal wear and tear. Basil seeds are full of iron, Vitamin K, and protein. These minerals are essential for long and healthy hair. Protein and iron also promote hair growth and add volume.

8. Oral Health

If you have a regular concern of mouth ulcers, make basil seeds a regular part of your diet. Their antifungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral properties also make them an effective mouth freshener. The seeds are known to defend a wide range of dental problems, too, such as cavities, bad breath, and plague.

9. Infections

The seeds can be used for cuts, wounds, and skin infections. Crushed basil seeds added to oil can be applied to the infected regions. Basil seeds are very efficient in treating vaginal infections as well.

A word of caution. 

Children and pregnant women should avoid consuming basil seeds. Young children could choke on these seeds if they are not blended well with water. For pregnant women, these seeds are known to lessen estrogen levels in the body. It is best to consult your physician if you’re pregnant or suffering from any other ailments before adding basil seeds to your diet.

Author Bio:

Henna is a wellness lifestyle writer. She loves sharing her thoughts andpersonal experiences related to natural remedies, yoga and fitness through her writing. She currently writes for How To Cure. She can connect with others experiencing health concerns and help them through their recovery journeys through natural remedies.

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