Are You Following These Flea and Tick Products Safety Rules?

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As a pet owner, you would be well aware as to how big a problem, tiny pests like fleas and ticks pose to their wellbeing. They infest your pet’s furs and cause them a lot of discomfort. Plus, studies say that just one flea on your pet can multiply to 1000 in just 21 days or less.

It’s important that you get rid of these pests immediately. In many cases, a serious infestation can lead to the development of severe medical conditions in animals like dogs and cats. You must use medication to keep them free from it. However, just buying a product that treats fleas or ticks isn’t enough. There are some other tips that you must keep in mind:

Find the Right Medication

There are dozens of products available in the market which claim to reduce or treat flea or tick infestations in your pet. The medications are available in the oil form, which can be applied directly on your pet’s fur, and in the forms of sprays and shampoos. Some antiparasitic medicines like nexgard chews for dogs are also available in the edible form for your dogs. 

While most of them are quite useful, there could be some which are not suitable for your pet due to some pre-existing condition. Always consult your vet before you start treating your pet with any sort of flea medication, especially if they have a history of some illness or are currently under any other medication.

Find the Right Time to Use the Medication

A lot of pet owners are unsure as to when they should treat their pets with fleas and tick medication. In most parts of the world, the infestation could happen at any point of time in the year, however, in some areas, the chances are higher during the summer season.

You should find out at what time of the year is your pet most likely to be attacked by fleas or ticks. You can use the medication at the beginning of this season. Besides that, you must also keep an eye out for any signs of the pests infesting your pet’s body, like your pet scratching excessively, and use the medication in the early stages of the infestation.

Follow The Instructions Carefully

Not applying the medication in a proper way can lead to a number of problems for your pet. That is why you must always clearly follow the instructions you have received from the vet or the instructions provided on the medicine packaging itself. Don’t make any changes to the dosage on your own.

If you see that the infestation is not reducing and want to increase the amount of medication you give to your pet, talk to a vet first.

Keep Your Pets Away From Each Other

This tip is especially for people who have more than one pet in their house. Whether you are applying medication on one of the pets or all of them, you must keep them apart, at least until the medication dries up.

If they are kept in close proximity, they might try to groom each other and swallow harmful chemicals in the process, which could lead to them getting sick.

Keep An Eye Out For Any Side-Effects

If your pet doesn’t have any pre-existing medical condition, there is little chance that it will experience side-effects from flea medication. However, you must still be vigilant and closely observant of your pet after giving them the medication for any peculiar thing.

Side-effects could range from loss of appetite and diarrhea to seizures in extreme cases. If you notice any such reactions, immediately stop giving it the medicine and contact the vet.

Remove Ticks And Fleas From All Areas Of Your House

While you are treating your pet for ticks or fleas, it is important that you clean the rest of your house as well or the pests could easily infest your pet again. You can consult your vet and use an insect killer to eliminate these pests. You should also ensure that you give all areas in your house a thorough cleaning-especially those where your pet spends most of its time.

Apart from that, also clean your pet’s bedding, vacuum the floors, and steam-clean in order to ensure that your house is free from the tiny pests that cause discomfort to your pet.

It’s always best that you take all the necessary steps to prevent these pests from infesting your furry pets in the first place. You should do your best to maintain cleanliness inside and outside your house to ensure that they remain flea-free. 

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