Best Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Options

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men disppointented.

Erectile Dysfunction has had various methods developed to deal with.

One’s preference can be taken into account while dealing with it.

Although there are clearly some more popular methods to deal with erectile dysfunction.

Some might not work for everyone.

Erectile dysfunction though common hasn’t yet had many permanent solutions to it developed yet.

Oral Medication

Oral medication is easy to acquire and easy to work with.

It can just be ingested and within 45 to 60 minutes they are active.

They still require physical stimulation though.

Oral medication can be bought at any nearby or online pharmacy.

To name a good online pharmacy would be Generic Villa Pharmacy.

Good quality products at low price and free delivery from the comfort of your home.

Some names for most sold oral medication is Cenforce 100, Fildena 100, Vidalista 20, etc.

Medicines for impotence such as Super P force are also available here.

Most oral medications have some basic guidelines to follow, therefore read them before consuming oral medication.

Pills are available in fluid forms too.

Penis pumps, surgery, and implants

Penis pump is a mechanical remedy for those who do not want to opt for invasive or medicative means.

It is pretty easy to maneuver with, but requires one to carry a pump around with them.

While oral medication lacks spontaneity, Penis pumps lack mobility.

It is quite easy to operate with and works on the simple mechanism that creates a vacuum that causes blood to rush in the penis.

Which in turn causes an erection.

The blood is then trapped with a band.

This method might cause light bruising, but rarely hurts anyone.

Surgery and getting implants is again a pretty extensive way to deal with it.

But it sorts the lack of spontaneity and mobility issues pretty well.

It could be quite expensive to get surgeries though, and even doctors like to stick with the basic remedies at first.


This is a slow and steady method.

Exercise would not only be good for one’s sexual life but towards health too.

This would help maintain good blow flow and it aids erections.

Kegel exercises are specially recommended to help with Erectile dysfunction.

Psychological counseling

It isn’t a physiological factor every time causing erectile dysfunction.

At times mental makeup can also cause one to experience erectile Dysfunction.

Stress and depression, sometimes anxiety can cause one to suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Since sexual arousal is a part of mental stimulation too, these things can adversely affect us.

It could be difficult to catch as mental diseases haven’t got the recognition and acceptance in the society yet.

Psychological Counseling therefore might be necessary to jump above this hurdle.

Many couples break up because the partner suspects there is lack of chemistry or attention, whereas it might not be anyone’s fault.

Psychological Counseling could be of various types.

Couple therapy – In cases where miscommunication might be the issue, couples therapy is a great place to help resolve it.

The therapist could help set the pace and direction of the communication.

They might come up with solutions to help resolve disagreements.

General Therapist – Stress is a causative agent of erectile dysfunction and in those scenarios, a general therapist could help talk you out of it.

They might suggest some ways to destress and also having an honest conversation with someone who doesn’t judge could be relieving.

Psychiatrist – A psychiatrist could help out beyond the realm of a psychologist.

They could even prescribe medications for depression or anxiety, which are causing erectile dysfunction as a side effect.

Sex Therapy – This is attended by a sex therapist.

As they have mastered this field, who better to understand the reasons why you might be experiencing erectile dysfunction.

Sex Therapist could give learned advice, and help resolve your issues.

Lifestyle Changes

A lifestyle has major effects on one’s sex life. Many aspects of it could affect performance, stamina, self-esteem and ability to get an erection.

A healthy life-style could lead to higher stamina, less stress and better handling of erectile dysfunction if it happens to bother oneself.

Leading a Stressful life could directly get in the way of love making.

Stress hinders erections, therefore changing your lifestyle to be less stressed and cool.

Food –

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