Best Indoor Activities for Kids When Everyone is Staying Inside

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Due to the current lockdown situation around the world, everyone is limited to stay indoors. For adults, it might not be as painful as it is for the kids. If you have run through all of those classic board games and don’t know what else to do? When stuck indoors, it;s important to have activities to keep you entertained. Skill toys are a great thing to keep families entertained indoors. The nice thing about them is that they don’t have screens on them and they can be a blast for the entire family. Here are some of the best kendama options. Here are some tried and tested fun indoor activities that you can do with your kids while staying at home.

1. Paper Cup Pyramid 

All you need is to provide your kids with a pack of disposable cups to build a pyramid. It is the best indoor activity that involves teamwork, patience, and concentration. 

2. Puddle Jumping 

It is a classical indoor activity for toddlers to do while staying at home. Simple cut the pieces of papers in a puddle shape and write alphabets over them. Now place them around your living room. Ask your little one to jump from one puddle to another by calling the alphabets. 

3. Toilet Paper Roll Robot 

All you need to get those empty toilet paper rolls and make few holes through them. Ask your child to thread the paper rolls as arms and legs of a robot. This activity boost concentration and creativity in kids. 

4. Engineering Challenge  

Give your child various things like disposable cups and blocks. Ask them to build structures that come in their mind. There are endless possibilities with this activity, and it improves concentration and creativity in toddlers. 

5. Indoor Table Games 

There are many indoor games like an Imaginarium train table and Ping Pong Table. 

6. Number Jumble 

Write numbers from 1 to 20 on a sheet of paper and cut them into small pieces. Now ask you little one to put the pieces of papers back together number by number. It helps in the primary learning and mental growth of the kids. 

7. Indoor Bowling 

Again all you need for this exciting indoor game is some plastic cups and a ball. You can use a tennis ball for this purpose as well. Now place the cups upside down on the floor as you see in a real bowling game. Now let your kids bowl and knock down the cups. 

8. Floor Basketball 

To Play Floor Basketball, all you need is three baskets of different sizes. Starting from the biggest basket to the smallest, mark each basket with points. Arrange the baskets in descending order, with the least point basket near to you. Now let your kids throw the ball inside the baskets. 

Indoor games and activities help kids in boosting their concentration, critical thinking, imagination and creativity. Board games, table-top games, puddle jumping, Indoor bowling, etc ave proven to be the best activities for mental growth in kids.  If you have any indoor activity to share with us, drop it down in the comments. 

About Author:

Max is a professional blogger and writer who loves to write about toys and kids at this blog Toysnotch.

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