Best Marriage Advice: Secrets of Happy Couples

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Most people start off in a relationship thinking that it will last forever but unfortunately, after the honeymoon period in the early days of a relationship, one or both parties will often find that they do not want to spend the rest of their life with their partner. Marriages that last the test of time are becoming rarer, with less pressure these days on people to stay in marriages and around 40%-50% of marriages are predicted to end in divorce.

However, some couples still do defy the odds and find a love that lasts a lifetime. Marriage counsellors recommend the following advice to achieve a long-lasting, happy relationship:

Remember to have fun

Life can get very serious and there are lots of responsibilities that seem to take the fun out of relationships, so it is important to try and make time to have fun together as a couple. Whether that is playing games, going on fun-packed dates, or making each other laugh with funny stories about something that happened in your day, it helps to build a stronger relationship.

Talk through your issues

Some people do not like to talk about how they are feeling if they are upset or unhappy about something but in a relationship, talking through issues is the only way to understand each other better and to learn how to avoid repeat arguments. When one person is not happy, couples need to sit down and try to calmly talk through their feelings, giving each person the chance to give their opinion on the matter.

Show your love

In a long-term relationship, it is easy to get to a place where you take your partner for granted and you do not put the same amount of effort as you did in the earlier stages of the relationship. Showing your partner that you love and care for them is really important in a relationship, so whether that is making time to go out for dates, giving surprise gifts or regularly telling them how much you love them, this is a good way to keep your relationship strong

Plan for the future

Having solid plans for the future gives you both goals to aim for and it is important that you both have similar plans for the future and what you want your retirement to look like. You may need to decide whether to invest more money into pension entitlements or another type of investment, to provide a more comfortable retirement lifestyle. A couple might have completely different ideas of when they want to retire and their future living arrangements, so it is a good idea to discuss this subject well in advance.

Have some joint interests

It is important to have some shared hobbies or interests that you can enjoy together, as well as having individual ones. Any kind of activity that you both look forward to doing together, such as going on holiday, watching a film, some type of exercise or sport, or going out for a meal, are activities that you can enjoy doing as a couple and will help you to feel excited about spending time together.

With such a high percentage of marriages ending in divorce, people who want to make their relationship last, need to put in the work and effort. Too often, people take their partner for granted and do not show how much they appreciate them, or act in ways that put their marriage at risk. These recommendations should remind people of how to keep their marriage on track and remain happy in the relationship. 

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