Are You In a Time Crunch To Cook? Spice Up Your Mealtime with Surprising Bullet Blender Recipes!

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Do you often skip your meal in a rush to attend classes or work? The chances are high that it’s true. Most people feel reluctant when it comes to making a healthy meal.

But what if I suggest a quick and easy way to go for meal prep? I’m pretty sure even you have got one of the kinds of mixers for your kitchen counter. But did you happen to forget its versatile use? 

Yes, you heard me right. A mini blending machine is all you precisely need to make your cooking tasks easy. Don’t be amazed. Let me introduce you to the magical Bullet Blender recipes that can cut your culinary load at a snap. 

Who wants the mess of going for full meal prep? I had to meet the same cooking fate. But then I discovered some simple recipes where I needed only a single appliance, a blender. That’s why the blending device has now become my regular cooking assistant.

Let’s step ahead and look for those fantastic recipes.

1. Coconut Smoothie

Isn’t it too hot this summer? How about trying a coconut smoothie with a flavor of banana! Four readily available ingredients and one device. You’re ready to sip your delicious smoothie.


  • Coconut Milk: 1 cup. Better to use the unsweetened one.
  • Banana: Make sure it’s frozen.
  • Agave: 1 tablespoon.
  • Topping: 2 tablespoons of shredded coconuts. 


  • Whizz all the add-ins within your blending machine.
  • Pulse it till you are sure to get a smooth look.
  • Pour it in a glass and have a sip!

Wait, what did you say? Your mixing machine is having some issues? Not a problem. Check here to get yourself a Bullet Blender and start blending.

2. Tomato Soup

A bowl of healthy tomato soup is the best choice for your brunch if you’re in a hurry. This homemade soup needs:


  • Peeled Tomatoes: One whole can.
  • Chicken: 

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  1. […] have difficulty eating leafy vegetables, and the best option is a green smoothie! You can check out optimisticmommy’s blender recipe. Green smoothies are mixed berry juices to which green leaves, such as spinach or lettuce, are […]

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