Spring Cleaning Your Music, Movies, and Video Games

If you have been following my blog the past week or so you have seen me post a couple Spring Cleaning posts. One on Spring Cleaning the outside of your home and another on Spring Cleaning your car. Today I am going to talk about what you can do to Spring Clean your music and DVD/movie collection! Most, if not all of us, have big music CD collections and/or DVD/movie collections. I know both our music and movie collection is pretty big. Between the kid movies we have for our daughter (plus … [Read more...]

Office/Home Business Furniture and Organization Is Important

As a wife, mother, blogger, craft lover/maker, and Scentsy consultant, I know how important it is to be organized. All of that, for me, starts with my desk. I keep track of all paperwork (whether it be shot records for Riley, instructions for crafts, or any of my Scentsy paperwork) at my desk. If my desk is a mess, then I feel like I'm a completely mess. For example, right now my desk has a stack of magazines I've received in the past month that I haven't gotten a chance to look at (in fact, … [Read more...]