Checklist to Avoid Amazon Package Stolen

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Surveys prove that at least one-third of Americans experienced a package stolen off their porch. More than eleven millions of homeowners experienced a package stolen in 2018. 

Indeed, porch pirates are widespread, particularly during shopping festivals and holidays. That’s why you need to take some efficient measures to stop your parcel from being pinched if you don’t like to be one of the package theft targets. 

In this post, we have summarized an exceptional and practical checklist to help you avoid this dilemma from happening. 

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Your Ultimate Package Theft Prevention Checklist

Create your lockbox 

Did you know that you can invest in a simple mail or parcel lockbox to avoid your parcels from being snatched from your front porch? 

Delivery guys from FedEx, UPS, USPS, or Amazon could send your parcels to your residence by placing your items inside your personal parcel lockbox. That would cost you a bit. However, investing in a personal lockbox is a cost-efficient deal compared with the total values of your items in the end. 

You can check out Neighborhoodsquare to prevent amazon package stolen from you. 

Insure Your Items 

Do you order costly gadgets and items? Then you must not ignore insuring your items. FedEx, UPS, and USPS, among others, offer declared value coverage and insurance. 

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FedEx. The insurance price is $2.1 if your packages are worth $100 to $300. The packages valued more than $300 are charged for $0.7 for every $100. 

UPS. The liability of UPS is limited to $100 on packages without declared value. You can buy a greater value if the item goes beyond $200.

UPSP. You can get insurance for your items of at least $5,000 in indemnity to safeguard against damage or loss. 

Reschedule the delivery time of your package 

Go and download Parcel App and register along with the package service providers. The app will enable you to monitor, re-route, and put your items on hold. 

On top of that, you can call the online store team to reschedule the delivery period. That will enable you to obtain your parcel by yourself. For instance, Amazon lets you include notes for the delivery staff. 

You can prefer to get the packages on weekends or on weekdays. You can just type if you have a special request, and the delivery guy will see it. 

Have your items sent to the corner store or your neighbors 

Do you have a close neighbor you can trust? You can request the delivery guy to send the item to your neighbor instead. Establishing a good relationship with your neighbor is very important here. So make sure you build a good connection when you relocate to a new community. 

Meanwhile, you can also request a convenient store by your residence if they could hold the items for you. 

Set up a video doorbell 

The demand for smart video doorbells is growing as they help you watch out for your porch. You will instantly get a notification when somebody presses the doorbell. You could activate the app on your phone to check what and who triggered the alerts. 

If it’s the delivery guy, you can request him to put your item in a less accessible or hidden area. Installing a smart doorbell in your home could discourage many coward package thieves out there. 

Utilize Amazon Lockers for your item delivery 

Amazon, among other delivery couriers, offers locker delivery services in other areas. USPS provides to have your item remain at the post office where you could get them. 

You can request the team to know if they provide locker delivery before placing your item or can put your parcels at the post office. You can then get your parcels after work or school. Hence, package thieves have no opportunities to get their hands in your precious items. 

Ask for a signature after delivery 

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Keep in mind that you need to ask for a signature for your package at all times. Doing this allows you to authorize you as the person for whom the item is meant. 

One way to do this is by leaving a note on your front door requesting a pickup note. For instance, you can write like this,

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