Choosing To Vape Means No Fire Hazard

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Most people who choose to smoke are aware of the negative health effects that come with it. The addiction, the tar, the second-hand effects, there are a lot of things to be aware of. But what a lot of people do not consider is the fire hazard real cigarettes pose. Every year there are a number of deaths and injuries from house fires caused by smokers. If you are considering vaping, NZ and elsewhere this is just another reason to move from real cigarettes to e-cigarettes. To protect yourself, your family and your home.

Why do house fires start from cigarettes?

Most commonly a fire caused by a cigarette happens when a smoker leaves their still-lit cigarette on an ashtray or piece of furniture and it falls or burns into some furnishings and then the furniture and everything else catches fire. Sometimes people think their cigarette is out when it is still smouldering, sometimes they have been drinking or are very tired and pass out or fall asleep forgetting the lit cigarette. On occasion rather than smokers in the house being the cause, a person driving past might flick their lit cigarette out the car window and that might start a fire in someone’s dry garden that spreads to the house. 

This is one of the reasons some people chose to vape and go to a vape shop to quit smoking. A lot of victims in these fires are younger children because they do not know what to do in a fire. They hide in wardrobes or under beds frightened rather than getting out of the house. Many victims of fires suffer from smoke-related problems rather than burns from being in the home too long.

Preventing house fires from smoking

There are just a few things to follow that are mostly common sense to prevent any kind of fire hazard when you smoke cigarettes. They include;

  1. Always triple check your cigarette is put out properly, especially if you are tired or have been drinking when you could easily not do it 
  2. If you do smoke indoors consider only smoking outside and have a proper place to put your cigarettes out, like a sand bucket
  3. If  smoking indoors make sure you use an ashtray and never keep them close to things like curtains
  4. Never throw out of a car window, your own windows, or off a porch a lit cigarette. Always extinguish first then discard
  5. Around certain buildings, there are proper cigarette disposal containers so make use of them
  6. Make sure your children and everyone in the property know what to do if there is a fire, what routes to take, where to wait safely and that they should not hide and not linger
  7. Consider giving up smoking, you could try a vape shop and do it using e-cigarettes, there is no chance of a fire with these devices


By following some simple rules you can protect your home and your loved ones and yourself from house fires caused by smoking. Vaping NZ or where you are is one alternative that a lot of smokers are choosing that works.

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