Clarify Your Skin This Spring

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Clarify Your Skin



No one likes having a complexion that is broken out and not very smooth. Dealing with pimples and other skin impurities is frustrating when all you want to do is get ready for the spring time and head to the beach! The good news is that there are fantastic ways to get rid of acne for good. From natural remedies to blue light treatments, the key is to find techniques that work well for you and your skin. Don’t be discouraged that you have acne because no one’s skin is perfect. There are many ways to counteract broken out skin with some great techniques that will make your complexion beautiful and glowing just in time for spring to arrive.

Blue Light Treatment

Have you heard of blue light treatment? If you’re not familiar with this technique, it is a form of medi-light therapy that uses different wavelengths of light to heal blemishes. In addition to healing existing blemishes, it helps prevent new pimples from appearing by killing existing bacteria that’s stuck deep inside your skin. Light treatment is excellent for sensitive skin and people who have chronic acne. Treat your aging skin and accelerate the healing process while stimulating your cells. Plus, light treatment will also get rid of bacteria, thus reducing your acne.

Apply Aspirin to Your Acne

Need a quick fix before a date or important get together with friends? Applying aspirin to emerging pimples will help reduce it in size and also will make the swelling go down. Salicylic acid is in aspirin, making it a great remedy for breakouts. Aspirin also helps prevent new breakouts from forming because it will effectively dry out the oil in your pores. Arrive to your party with a hidden and reduced in size pimple thanks to a quick and effective method!

Heal Your Skin with Honey

Honey is another great skin healer. The reason why it helps you maintain acne free skin is because it has both antibacterial and antiseptic properties. In addition to helping reduce redness and inflammation, it also is a remedy for burns and other skin irritations. Honey also prevents existing pimples from scarring your skin later on

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  1. Thanks for the tips!

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