Colonoscopy Singapore: What are its Benefits beyond Cancer Prevention?

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A colonoscopy is a procedure used to examine the inside of the colon and rectum. It’s often done to screen for colorectal cancer or to investigate symptoms like rectal bleeding or changes in bowel habits.

See more: To prepare for a colonoscopy, you’ll need to follow a special diet and take laxatives to cleanse your colon.

The procedure itself is usually done under sedation to make you more comfortable. Colonoscopies are generally safe, but like any medical procedure, they do carry some risks, such as bleeding or perforation of the colon. This piece explores the benefits of colonoscopies beyond cancer prevention.

What Health Issues Can a Colonoscopy Detect?

Colonoscopies are crucial for detecting colorectal cancer early when it’s most treatable. They can identify abnormal growths called polyps, which can be removed during the procedure to prevent cancer from developing. But it isn’t only colon cancer that a colonoscopy can help detect.

The other health issues that a colonoscopy can detect include; polyps, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), diverticulosis and diverticulitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal pain and anemia, etc. Here’s what to know about these conditions;

· Polyps

Polyps are abnormal tissue growths in the colon lining. Often, they’re benign but sometimes precancerous.

You may develop polyps as a result of genetic factors, diet, and age. During your colonoscopy in Singapore, a flexible tube with a camera is inserted into the colon.

This specialized device known as the colonoscope helps the doctor to identify and remove polyps for further examination. Removing polyps can help prevent the development of colorectal cancer, as precancerous polyps can be removed before they become malignant.

· Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a group of chronic disorders that cause inflammation in the digestive tract. It includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

IBD is believed to develop when the immune system mistakenly attacks the gastrointestinal tract. A colonoscopy can help diagnose and monitor IBD as during the procedure, your doctor can easily inspect the colon’s lining for inflammation, ulcers, and abnormal growths. What’s more, a colonoscopy also allows for biopsies to be taken for further examination if necessary.

· Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis

Diverticulosis and diverticulitis are conditions that affect the colon. Diverticulosis is the formation of small pouches (diverticula) in the colon wall.

Often, it forms as a result of increased pressure. These pouches can become diverticulitis if they get inflamed or infected.

A colonoscopy helps detect these conditions by allowing a doctor to visually examine the colon. If diverticula are found, the doctor can take biopsies or recommend further tests to determine the best course of treatment.

· Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Gastrointestinal bleeding is when there’s blood loss in the digestive tract. It is another reason why you may be recommended a colonoscopy in Singapore and can be due to various reasons like ulcers, hemorrhoids, or cancer.

A colonoscopy can help detect this bleeding by allowing doctors to examine the colon and rectum for any abnormalities like polyps or bleeding sites. If bleeding is found, your gastroenterologist can take biopsies or treat the issue.

· Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain refers to discomfort or cramping in the stomach area. It can be caused by a wide range of factors including indigestion, constipation, or even gas.

However, persistent or severe pain may indicate more serious conditions like inflammatory bowel disease or colorectal cancer. Done correctly, a colonoscopy can help detect the cause of abdominal pain by allowing doctors to visualize any abnormalities, such as inflammation, polyps, or tumors that may be causing the pain.

· Anemia

Anemia occurs when the body doesn’t have enough red blood cells or hemoglobin to carry oxygen effectively. It can be caused by various factors like iron deficiency, chronic diseases, or gastrointestinal bleeding, which can be detected through a colonoscopy.

During your colonoscopy in Singapore, your gastroenterologist can find sources of bleeding like polyps or lesions. From this assessment, they can take samples for further testing and recommend treatments to prevent anemia from worsening.

What are the Advantages of a Colonoscopy beyond Cancer Detection and Management?

Colonoscopy in Singapore is one of the most common medical procedures. That said, if you’re recommended the procedure you may naturally wonder; what are the advantages of a colonoscopy beyond cancer detection and management?

It is straightforward; one of the most significant benefits of colonoscopy beyond detecting and managing colon cancer is improved diagnosis. Compared to other diagnostic procedures, colonoscopies provide a more comprehensive view of the colon. Thanks to this comprehensive view, this procedure allows for more precise diagnoses and more effective treatments.

But it doesn’t end at that. Since colonoscopies allow for the early detection of colon cancer, they can significantly reduce the risk of death from the disease.

This is relatable as detecting colon cancer at an early stage allows for timely intervention and treatment which increases the chances of successful outcomes. What’s more, colonoscopies can help prevent other illnesses. Used correctly, it makes it easy to spot the signs of inflammation or infection in the colon early on which can prevent these conditions from progressing to more serious illnesses if left untreated.

In addition to health benefits, colonoscopies can also be cost-effective. Early detection and treatment of colon issues cannot only save your life.

It can also help you save money in the long run by reducing the need for expensive treatments later on. Another key advantage of proceeding with your colonoscopy in Singapore if recommended is improved symptom management. By diagnosing underlying issues that may be causing symptoms such as abdominal pain or rectal bleeding, colonoscopies can help address these symptoms and help you get much-needed relief.

It is a Wrap

While primarily used for colon cancer detection and management, the benefits of getting your colonoscopy in Singapore when recommended go beyond that. And, while it is advised that you take a day off work to allow you to recover from the sedative effects of the medications used, the procedure itself is quite quick and can take as little as 15 minutes. If you have any concerns, please share them with your provider for clarity.

Arrange for your Colonoscopy in Singapore Today

Were you recommended a colonoscopy in Singapore? Our highly qualified and friendly staff is very willing to offer a helping hand. Whether you have questions about the procedure, or just get on with the procedure, we can help. Simply, get in touch to schedule your appointment. See details below;

Andrea’s Digestive Clinic: Colon | Liver | Gallbladder | GERD | Acid Reflux Specialist

101 Irrawaddy Road #21-11/12

Royal Square Medical Centre

Singapore 329565 6264-2836

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