Common Threats to Personal Safety and How to Protect Against Them

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Every time you log in to your smartphone, computer, or tablet, you expose yourself and, more importantly, your personal data to a number of cyber risks. You would be surprised by how many cyber risks those devices face on a daily basis. Hackers usually use malicious software to steal personal information from your devices, so knowing what to look out for and how to protect your devices can help you safeguard yourself against everyday cyber risks. We will discuss some of the greatest risks in this article.

Phishing Tricks

In 2020, according to Statista, 54% of digital attacks were associated with online correspondence. Phishing is a sort of online fraud that involves impersonating a reliable source so as to get sensitive information, including credit card details or passwords. Phishing can be conducted via social media, email, and bogus websites. In phishing, hackers send emails that appear to be from respected companies or websites. Often, phishing emails include a link that appears to connect to a legitimate website. The person is encouraged to supply sensitive information, which is then used to rob a person of their identity or make fraudulent use of credit cards.

To avoid falling victim to phishing, you should allow automatic application updates so that any newly found security weaknesses may be addressed. You can safeguard your mobile phone by enabling automatic software updates. These might offer you critical security precautions. Also, some accounts offer enhanced security by requiring several login methods.

Password Vulnerabilities

You need to ensure that your passwords for all your accounts are robust and site-specific

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