Constipation Relief for Toddlers and Kids

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Maintaining optimal gut health of children and toddlers is paramount to their overall health and well-being. Even with the best of care, however, children can suffer from constipation.

Several things can contribute to constipation in children. For example, a diet lacking fiber (or including too much fiber), not enough water intake, certain medical conditions, and certain medications can lead to constipation.

Fortunately, there are many ways to improve digestive health and provide constipation relief for toddlers and kids. Below are some of the most effective constipation treatments for children.

1) Increase Fiber Intake

One of the best ways to treat constipation is by increasing the amount of fiber in your child’s diet. Fiber helps to add bulk to the stool and makes it easier to pass. Good sources of dietary fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans.

2) Encourage Water Intake

It is also essential to ensure that your child is getting enough fluids. Water helps to keep the stool hydrated and soft, making it easier to pass stool. Therefore, it is recommended that children drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day.

3) Work on Muscle Tone

While children, and particularly toddlers, should never be expected to build muscle mass, they are capable of toning and strengthening the muscles in their pelvic region. A great way to encourage muscle development in the abdominal region of kids and toddlers is to have them do “superman” exercises which require them to lie down on their stomach while simultaneously lifting their arms and legs to mimic flying.

4) Avoid/Limit Processed Foods

Like many other things in life, fats and processed sugars are appropriate in moderation. But, with today’s processed food culture, it’s easy to overdo it on these two things without even realizing it. An unhealthy ratio of fats and sugars in the diet can lead to a host of issues, constipation being one of them.

5) Give Them a Massage

Giving your child a tummy massage can also help relieve constipation. For best results, have your child lie on their back and massage their belly in a clockwise direction. This helps stimulate the digestive muscles and can move things along more efficiently.

6) Digestive Enzymes

If your child is having trouble digesting their food properly, digestive enzymes may be a helpful addition. Digestive enzymes help break down the food so that the body can absorb it more easily.

7) Probiotics

Probiotics are live bacteria that are found in yogurt and other fermented foods. These friendly bacteria help restore the balance of gut flora, which can be beneficial for gut health.

8) Get an Allergy Test

If you’ve tried all of the above and your child is still struggling with constipation, it may be worth considering an allergy test. Your child may have food sensitivities that you are unaware of and contribute to digestive issues. By eliminating the offending foods from their diet, you may be able to provide significant relief.

How to Find Help for Constipation Issues in Children

It’s best to seek professional help if your child is struggling with constipation. A naturopathic doctor or other integrated medicine healthcare professional can help identify the underlying cause of constipation and create a treatment plan tailored to your child’s individual needs.

These health and wellness practitioners focus on discovering and treating the root cause of illness rather than simply masking the symptoms. This approach is often more effective in providing long-term relief.

With the help of a qualified professional, you can get your child back on track to good digestive health in no time.

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