Conversations you and your Teenage Child need to have

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Teenage is a difficult phase of life for both the child and the parents. The child feels misunderstood whilst the parent’s only intention is to keep them safe.

However, if parents talk to their children and guide them things would be much easier to deal with. But first when you talk to them don’t make them feel that they can’t make decisions. Rather try to be their friend and explain things.

1.     Online World

By now they have access to a digital device. Instead of putting up locks and checking their phones talk to them about the dangers of the virtual world. The dangers can be sending inappropriate pictures, getting cyberbullied, getting stalked, or phished. If you make them aware they will be on their guard against these things (you can’t monitor them all the time). Also, this will open a communication channel and they will be able to come to you if they get in trouble.

2.     Illegal drinking

Doing risky things at this age is like an adrenaline rush, hence experiment with drinking alcohol or going to clubs. It is easy to do these days because there are websites like from here they can easily get a fake id and it will be so real that you will have trouble proving it as a fake. Make them aware of the consequences so that even if they get curious they know what will happen if they get caught

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