Craft and Sell Custom Enamel Pins Now!

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Today, custom enamel pins have now become relevant in the world of fashion. This is why there are already entrepreneurs all over the world who are now wondering how to create custom enamel pins and then join in the trend. 

These enamel pins are highly customizable and it can easily feature any design which includes offbeat illustrations, branded logos, and other things that you can imagine. These custom enamel pins serve as an expression of a person’s personality thereby giving them the chance of customizing or accessorizing their outfits.


Create Your Own Custom Enamel Pins and Start with Your Enamel Pin Business

This article is going to help you with the designing, manufacturing, and ultimately selling custom enamel pins and a chance to earn a good livelihood from this venture.

Here are some considerations that you may want to take note of if you are considering to start your very own custom enamel pins business.

First, is find a unique niche for your business

The first thing that you want to know when it comes to the creation of a great product is by getting to know whom your audience is going to be. So, if you will be able to narrow such audience to a unique niche especially for your custom enamel pins, the remainder of the process will become easier. 

By being able to understand who your audience is, you will also be able to understand how you are going to design your products and make it become saleable to your target audience. 

Passion is also an important foundation for your business for it to become successful. So when you have already found the niche that you are also passionate about, then the crafting and selling of your custom enamel pins are not going to feel like work. It is still going to take time and effort, however, you are going to enjoy the process even more because you know that you are doing something that you truly care about. 

Here’s how you can find a niche for your custom enamel pin business:

  • You can use your own niche community if you have any

If you are already part of a niche community, and your planned business is going to cater to their values, then you already have found the niche that you are looking for. Take note that a niche can be any type of community that has a specific, definable set of interests. 

So, if you are not sure which niche you belong to, then you can try to take a look at what your interests are and then think about the communities that are surrounding them, like your hobbies, or your favorite TV shows, or favorite movies, or books, and all other things which you think you are crazy about. 

  • You can also discover new niche communities

Although targeting your own community is a good idea, it might still be better if you are going to find a new niche audience that may give you fresh opportunities in the near future. 

Here are some methods for you to be able to see what are the active niches that are out there:

  • Reddit

If you are going to use tools like Reddit List, you will be able to see the most active communities that are on Reddit. If you haven’t heard of Reddit yet, this is a meeting place and is also a message board for some of the world’s largest subculture that will make your research and validation of niche more simple.

  • Google Trends

Another way of finding a new niche is by using Google Trends. This is a more generic overview of global search volume. Although Google Trends is not really as in-depth as Reddit, this can still help you to promptly determine the viability of a niche. 

Second, create the designs for your custom enamel pins

Now that you have already determined whom you are going to sell your custom enamel pins to, you will now have to think about what your custom enamel pins are going to look like. 

If you have no design skills, it is still possible for you to be able to create equally beautiful pins. This is because there is a wide variety of options where you can be able to connect with talented artists or even turn your original designs into physical products. 

You can create mockups for your enamel pins through Photoshop or Illustrator. However, if you do not have these, then there are still some other alternatives that you can still use for free so that you will be able to create your own original designs. 

However, if you don’t have great designing skills, then you can find a designer instead. 

Third, it is now time to manufacture your custom pins

Now that you already have your designs, it is already time for you to find a manufacturer who will be able to take your ideas and then convert them into your very own enamel pins. 

You may already be an experienced entrepreneur, yet, even so, you are still going to do research and contacting prospective manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors which can also sill seem to be a little bit of intimidating. 

When it comes to the manufacturing process, this is really just something that is straightforward, especially if you know what you are looking for ahead of time. 

Comparing soft enamel from hard enamel

In order for you to make your enamel pin exactly as what you want it to be, you will have to also do some research when it comes to the determination of the exact materials that are going to work for your brand. 

These enamel pins come into two different styles, the soft enamel pins, and the hard enamel pins. With the soft enamel pins, these are the most popular choice when it comes to creating enamel pins and is a beginner’s favorite, although they are less durable and can be easily scratched.

The hard enamel, on the other hand, is much more durable and rugged and has more restrictions when it comes to coloring. This is a good choice if your pins need to withstand the elements and if durability is important to you. 

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