Daily Routine After A Facelift Surgery

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A facelift is one of the most rewarding skin treatments you can have. Investing in a facelift procedure can do wonders in reducing signs of aging, repairing loose skin, and improving your facial contour. Apart from smooth skin texture and a youthful glow, it can also boost your confidence and self-esteem.

However, like any surgery, you have to undergo a certain recovery phase after the procedure. Typically, the downtime after a facelift will take around two weeks. Are you planning to book a facelift surgery soon, or did you recently have a facelift and want to take better care of your skin? It is important to know what you can do after the surgery to maintain the results and relieve any sign of discomfort. 

Check out these tips below on the best daily practices you can follow after a facelift. 

Daily Activities

Rest is very important after a facelift. As your body heals, make sure you have plenty of rest and relaxation. Chewing, smiling, yawning, and other facial movements should be kept at a minimum during your first few days of recovery. Also, avoid unhealthy habits like smoking and not getting enough sleep during your recovery period. Bending, heavy lifting and other physical activities that strain your body may trigger bleeding and pain during this phase. 

Doctors suggest waiting for at least two weeks before engaging in your regular physical activities. For heavier and more strenuous activities, it is better to wait for at least six weeks. People heal differently, so the recovery process varies on a case-to-case basis. To accurately know what you can and cannot do, it is best to talk to your doctor.

Your Diet

Did you know that a proper, balanced diet can significantly improve your skin recovery? As your daily physical activities will be lessened during the recovery phase, health experts suggest adding fiber-rich food into your diet to avoid constipation. This includes cereal, whole-grain bread, raw fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Regularly drinking water is also vital to keep you hydrated, and to prevent nausea and vomiting. Nourish your body by eating nutritious food and not skipping meals. It is also best to reduce or completely eliminate sugar from your diet to speed up your healing process.

Pain Relief

Swelling, bruising, and bleeding are expected after the surgery. Professional cosmetic surgeons are upfront about the steps of the recovery process; they would not downplay the risks that a facelift entails. You may experience pain and discomfort after the surgery, so it is best to consult your doctor about your options in alleviating these conditions. Pain medication can be very helpful to ease your discomfort. To reduce swelling and bruising during the first few days post-surgery, you can apply a cold compress to the affected areas. Using multiple pillows when you sleep will keep your head elevated and may decrease the occurrence of mild bleeding. 

Sun Exposure

A facelift is a more complicated procedure than non-invasive cosmetic surgery treatments, hence, there are several precautionary measures that you should take. One of these is minimizing sun exposure. After surgery, your skin becomes more vulnerable and prone to sunburn. Staying too long under the sun will damage your skin, cause skin discoloration, and prolong your recovery time. Doctors suggest reducing your sun exposure, especially around the incisions, for at least six months. Applying sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher is also strongly recommended.

Wearing Makeup

It might be tempting to put on makeup after the surgery, especially if you want to cover the bruising and swelling. However, it is best to wait for at least a week before starting to wear makeup. It is also best to avoid applying it on open wounds or damaged skin to avoid infection. Once your skin has healed enough, you can opt for mineral makeup instead of conventional products, as it is relatively lighter and less irritating. 

Skincare Routine

Cleaning and moisturizing your skin properly after a facelift is essential for your recovery. To maintain the results of your facelift surgery, make sure you wash your face gently with a mild soap or cleanser and invest in a good, fragrance-free moisturizer to reduce scarring. Gently massage the moisturizer on your skin to soften it, however, be sure not to apply moisturizer on surgical sutures.

Being the largest organ in your body, your skin carries vital importance. Taking good care of it is essential to maximize and maintain the results of your facelift surgery. For your own comfort and speedy recovery, a healthy diet, some wise lifestyle choices, and sun protection should be part of your daily habits.

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