Dealing With Confidence Loss As A Remote Worker

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women working remotely

Working from home has become more prevalent since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. The transition was necessary for public safety as in-person operations provided an incubator for the virus to continue spreading. Remote work also provided employees with peace of mind as it enabled them to be closer to loved ones during a crisis. Despite the health and lifestyle advantages of remote work opportunities, many employees reported a loss of confidence.

How Working From Home Impacts Confidence

Why would remote work lead to a confidence loss? On the surface, working from home seems like a win-win situation. However, there’s more to it than meets the eye. Let’s dig a bit deeper to learn more.

Uncertainty of New Systems

Many people felt less confident in themselves and their abilities during the shift to remote work. Employees had to learn new technologies and systems to perform their jobs. Without clarity from supervisors or reassurance from co-workers, it left many unsure of themselves. Every mistake or obstacle left them wondering if they were an asset or liability.

Social Disconnect During Virtual Meetings

Video conferencing software quickly replaced in-person meetings amid the pandemic. Although such technologies enabled companies to continue collaborating with teams and clients, some employees felt less confident.

Giving speeches or presentations through a computer screen made it harder to read the room. You question whether they’re listening, comprehending the materials, or even interested in what you have to say as you speak to blank screens, avatars, and distracted colleagues.

Reduced Self-Care

When you’re working from home, the need to maintain morning routines, groom yourself, or even get dressed declines. After all, no one can see you anyway. When you do have to appear on camera, you do the bare minimum to look presentable. Before long, your appearance and lack of self-care start to weigh on your confidence and self-esteem.

Boosting Your Confidence As a Remote Worker

If you’ve noticed a decline in your confidence or self-esteem while working from home, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are things you can do to feel better. Continue reading for advice.

Affirm Yourself

You were hired for your job because your employer believed you had the skills and abilities to do it well. Sometimes, you have to remind yourself of that through affirmations. When you start to doubt yourself, replace those negative thoughts with something positive like,

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