‘Dog-Ma the Zen of Slobber’ by Barbara Boswell Brunner Book Tour

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Dog-Ma the Zen of Slobber by Barbara Boswell Brunner is about when Barbara and her husband, Ray. When they first met, it was definitely love and dog at first sight. Over 32 years, 17 relocations and 9 dogs, their mutual love of dogs guides them on an unconventional path. The love that the dogs give to Barbara and Ray is literally lifesaving, because one dog attacked a lethal intruder and another discovered Barbara’s cancer.

Each dog adds it’s own dynamic to the family, like dogs usually do in each family. From Turbo, Barbara learns about the will to live. Lexington demonstrates incredible patience and a love for golf. Madison teaches them that laughter is the best medicine and the “nine lives thing” is not just for cats.

This is just an all around great book. It’s a very touching book that will make you laugh out loud, but brought tears to my eyes a couple times as well.

You can purchase Dog-Me the Zen of Slobber on Amazon in Ebook format or paperback!

Barbara Boswell Brunner grew up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She had a sister and a dog (or two or three sometimes). She graduated from a small women’s college in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania After she met her husband in Washington, D.C. they continued on a journey as self-proclaimed dog addicts. In the following years, she founded three successful businesses and is a prolific fundraiser for breast cancer research! Her and her husband are now retired and reside in Southwest Florida with top dogs and copious amounts of dog fur!

You can follow Barbara on her website, Facebook, and Twitter!

Disclosure: I received this book to review through Moms With Voices Media, all the opinions above are 100% my own.

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  1. Dogs especially always bring a smile to your face even when they are being really naughty!!


  1. […] this giveaway for 5 SIGNED books of�Dog-Ma The Zen of Slobber! You can read the review I did on it here! Good luck to all that enter! This fabulous giveaway is brought to you by� author�Barbara […]

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