Ear Molding NYC: A Great Option To Correct A Baby’s Ear Deformities

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Research shows that between 20% and 30% of babies have some form of ear deformity when they are born. Many ear abnormalities correct themselves as children grow older. However, it is unknown whether the shape would improve after birth. One treatment option for ear abnormalities is ear molding, which is a non-surgical procedure that shapes the ear during the first couple of weeks following birth. In New York, ear molding NYC has become the popular go-to treatment option for parents who have newborns born with ear deformities.

A newborn’s body contains higher estrogen levels throughout the first several weeks of life, which causes cartilage to be more malleable and simpler to form. Numerous objects have been used to shape congenital ear abnormalities throughout this early phase of newborn development for the past decades. When performed during the first six weeks after birth (before estrogen levels begin to decline), the ear can be molded appropriately using proper techniques. This can avert the need for subsequent surgical correction and provide the baby with a “normal”-appearing ear from infancy. While it is true that having an unusual-looking ear might not be that serious or worrisome if there is no injury to the inner part of the ear or if the function or capacity to hear is impaired, however, the ear is a highly visible feature that might have an effect on how a child views himself or herself as an adult. A malformed ear can result in name-calling or bullying, and it would be unjust to subject the child to this when there is a means to repair the deformity early in life. All that is required is knowledge about what ear molding NYC is all about and where to obtain it.

Ear molding is a recent method that was invented only a few years back by a highly skilled surgeon who has dedicated his life to assisting persons with deformities in living as normal as possible. The ear molding method was created and implemented based on vast experience and attention to the craft and has produced exceptional results. The method includes connecting an earmold to the defective ear and letting the baby wear it constantly for several weeks. After the mold is removed, the deformed ear would adapt to the mold, revealing a more natural-looking ear with all the proper folds, creases, and diameters. This is a really child-friendly process that has been shown to be effective.

Basic Information That You Should Know About Ear Molding NYC

A specific method is known as ear molding NYC was recently created to assist in correcting newborn babies’ ear abnormalities. These deformities may range from an abnormally shaped ear to a significantly larger ear than usual in size or even the lack of the outer ear. However, the ear molding NYC treatment is only appropriate for children with deformed outer ears; those without outer ears would require reconstructive surgery.

The newborn baby’s ear cartilage is extraordinarily pliable and soft, making it ideal for molding; hence, once a baby is born having ear deformities, they could now be corrected easily and safely. Ear molding NYC utilizes a unique mold that is developed for each type of ear abnormality. The outer ear anatomy has precise folds and wrinkles and the angle and size at which they must be. Typically, just one ear is deformed, and doctors can use the normal ear as a model for making a mold for the deformed ear.

The mold is constructed from medical-grade silicone, which is lightweight and gentle on the baby’s delicate skin. Also, the mold is perforated to allow the baby to hear normally through it, and it must be tightly attached to the damaged ear in order for the ear cartilage to cling to the mold and therefore fix the defects. The baby must wear the mold at all times for four weeks, and before removing, the doctor will conduct an assessment if the deformities have been corrected. These can be taken off after four weeks or continued for another two weeks, depending on how quickly the ear conforms to the mold.

Ear Molding NYC: Getting Treatment

The majority of ear molding NYC specialists are located in New York, and you may contact their respective clinics to schedule an appointment. The physician will then perform a physical examination of your child and interview you. If the infant is deemed a potential candidate, the doctors may insert the ear molding device immediately. Therefore, if you are scheduled for a consultation, you must be prepared for the possibility that your baby will leave the facility with an earmold in place. The process is relatively safe and painless, though you must clean the area as advised and ensure that the device is in its proper place and water or milk will not get through it.

Moreover, you must return weekly for check-ups to monitor the progress of the ear molding. The ear molding could be removed after four weeks to determine whether the deformed ear has improved in comparison to the normal ear. If not, it must be reattached for a minimum of additional two weeks.

Due to the fact that this is a relatively new method, it is not yet available in many clinics. It thus requires referral to a New York specialist to have your baby properly checked for his or her ear deformity and for the placement of the earmold.

Ear Molding NYC: Why Go For It While The Baby Is Still Little?

Having a unique ear used to be viewed as something you had to live with as if there’s no way to correct or change your ear. However, ear abnormalities are rather frequent in newborn babies, and if they are not evident, parents may consider it as just a unique trait. However, as children grow older, their cartilage gets harder, and it would probably be hard to be shaped correctly without having surgery, and it is then too late to correct the problem. The child will almost certainly have to endure numerous bad comments about his or her ears, and hopefully, it will not reach the point where they feel awful and despise themselves. As a parent, when there is an opportunity to rectify the abnormality and spare your child those terrible experiences, then opt for ear molding NYC while your baby is still little.

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