Effective Ways To Remove Berry Stains From Any Fabric

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Pomegranate Stains.

Berries are one of the healthiest and most delectable fruits, but did you know they may stain your clothes and other fabrics?

Most berries have tannins. These substances have vibrant colors that make them a natural dye for yarns and various sorts of cloth. However, when it unintentionally comes in contact with your favorite white shirt, things might get worse.

It’s impossible to avoid getting your clothes stained at least once if you enjoy eating berries. Fortunately, it is possible to remove berry stains from any fabric. Here’s a curated list for your reference.

 Ways To Remove Berry Stains From Your Clothes

Patience is the most effective technique for removing berry stains from clothes. Note that you can restore your clothing and other fabrics to their pre-stained appearance with the appropriate tools and procedures.

You can find most of the required tools and supplies at home. These consist of the following:

  • Toothbrush with soft bristles
  • Basin
  • Butter knife
  • Washing machine
  • Potent laundry detergent
  • Oxygen-based bleach
  • Stain remover
  • Water


1. Remove the solids as soon as possible.

Remove berry pieces as soon as possible to avoid staining other portions of the garment. Lift the berry particles away gently with a dull-edged butter knife. Rubbing might cause the stain to penetrate further into the clothes fibers.

2. Use cold water to remove the stain.

Hold the discolored area under cold running water after removing any solid particles. This method forces the stain out. The wrong side of the fabric should be towards the faucet.

3. Pre-treat the stain.

Pre-treat it with stain removers if you can’t remove it with cold water. Apply the stain remover with a soft-bristled toothbrush carefully to the stained area. Allow 15 to 30 minutes to pass before washing. If you don’t have any stain removers at home, you can use a potent laundry detergent.

4. Use a potent laundry detergent.

The next step is to place the discolored item in the washing machine. Wash it with a laundry detergent containing enzymes capable of removing the discoloration. Adjust the water temperature to its warmest setting, as recommended on the garment’s care label.

5. Inspect for stubborn stains before drying.

Based on an article from kellysdrycleaners.com, ensure that the stain has been entirely eliminated before placing the clothing in the dryer. This is because high heat inside the dryer may permanently set stubborn stains. So, if there are remaining berry stains on the garment, you should consider alternative stain removal methods before drying it.

6. Soak in the water with bleach.

Even after pre-treating and washing, some tannin-based stains can persist. In this scenario, you can use bleach to eliminate them.

Use chlorine bleach for white clothing and fabrics made from natural fibers. Combine 1/4 cup of chlorine bleach with one gallon of water, and then soak the stained clothing for 15 to 30 minutes. Rinse them thoroughly afterward.

On the other hand, if you have berry stains on colored clothes or synthetic fabrics, use an oxygen-based bleach. Follow the package’s recommended ratio, then soak the clothing for four to 24 hours. After soaking, wash the clothes as usual.

 Ways To Get Rid of Berry Stains on Upholstery and Carpet

The procedure for removing berry stains from garments differs slightly from that for upholstery and carpets.

The following are the tools and supplies you will require:

  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Warm water
  • Paper towel
  • Butter knife
  • Sponge
  • White cloth
  • Dropper
  • Chlorine and oxygen-based bleach
  • Hydrogen peroxide


1. Remove berry pieces and juices.

Use the same method for removing berry solids from upholstery and carpets as you would for clothing. Use a white cloth or paper towel to absorb the residual liquid from the fabric. Work from the edges of the stain towards the center to prevent it from spreading.

2. Create a cleaning solution and blot the affected area.

Add one teaspoon of dishwashing liquid to two cups of water. Use a fresh piece of white cloth, paper towel, or sponge to wipe the damaged spot. Repeat until the stain no longer transfers to the cloth.

3. Rinse correctly.

Next, thoroughly rinse the soiled portion of the upholstery or carpet. Perform the same blotting technique as in the previous step, but use water instead of the cleaning solution.

4. Remove difficult stains.

Similar to clothing, use chlorine bleach to clean white upholstery and carpets made of natural fibers. If any stains remain, use bleach to eliminate them. Otherwise, use oxygen-based bleach and wait for 30 minutes before rinsing.

 Key Takeaway

Berries are delightful to eat, but they can leave terrible stains. Whether the stain is caused by blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, or any other berry, the cardinal rule is to address it immediately by considering the tips and tricks mentioned above. Doing so will eliminate those stubborn berry stains in no time.

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