Essential Tips on Boosting Your Immune System

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In the stressful times of globally declared pandemic, each one of us is seeking out ways to fight off Coronavirus. Countries are taking measures such as banning traveling, imposing medical emergencies, etc. on national levels. Individuals can help their governments by taking a few small but significant preventive measures to help curb the spread. 

Maintaining hygiene, keeping social distance, washing hands, wearing a mask while using public transport is crucial. However, boosting up your immune system is also paramount at this point. That is because individuals with pre-existing sicknesses such as diabetes, respiratory issues, and cardiovascular diseases are more vulnerable to catching the virus. Also, as you get older, your general immunity becomes lower. In young and healthy adults, Coronavirus can cause a minor infection given that they have a strong immune system and do not have a habit of smoking or vaping. 

The truth is, there is no one simple answer as to what food can prove to be a miracle at this time. The strong immune system is the result of many factors and complex processes a lot of which is out of our control. Rather than including specific foods or cutting them out from our diet, a better approach is to review if our diets are providing us sufficient nutrients, we need to maintain optimal health. 

Build a Balanced Meal

We suggest you eat a rainbow of foods. Bring diversity in your meals. This season has the best fresh fruits and vegetables. Half of what we eat should include fruits and vegetables, while the other half, and lean proteins and grains. Lean protein includes fish that is rich in Omega-3 while meat has loads of iron and B-complex vitamins. Stock up on oats, wheat grain bread, and barley. Also, include moderate amounts of milk and dairy products. Most importantly, you should keep yourself hydrated all the time. Regardless of your age, milk and water are the best nutritious drinks with no added sugar. 

It is also advisable to take Vitamin-D supplements in the autumn and winter seasons. Sunshine is the major source of consuming Vit-D; however, since most of us are self-isolating, we may not be getting an adequate amount of it. However, it is important to consult your GP before you go for supplementation. You can check Zanesville Medical Center for reviews on immunity-boosting supplements.  

Catch up on sleep and exercise

Other elements of your lifestyle are equally essential. Exercise helps with mobilizing our white bloody cells by cumulating blood flow. Physical activity also destresses you which in current times, is all we need. We also need to regulate our stress levels as stress can aggravate cortisol (a kind of hormone) that quells your immune cells i.e. lessens the efficiency of immune function. 

Catching up on sleep, keeping from consuming an excessive amount of alcohol, avoiding smoking, and hand cleanliness also bolster the immune system. 

Do the best you can in these circumstances. Eating healthy is what will make a difference. A strong immune system will also prevent you from catching other diseases, which otherwise will make you more vulnerable to be the victim of Coronavirus.

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