Everything You Need To Know About Prenatal Vitamins Before Use

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If you are the first-time user, you will naturally have several questions before using prenatal vitamins. Do they even matter? Do they make you queasy? What are the types and brands out there in the market? Well, we have answers for you. So, all you need to do is read on.Why prenatal vitamins?Yes, the argument is why augment the diet with prenatal vitamins if you are already following the doctor’s orders and going the balanced way. But the truth is if you are trying to conceive or you are pregnant, you will need prenatal vitamins to fill up the gaps since the requirement is quite high. What are prenatal vitamins?No, they aren’t any different from the standard everyday vitamins, if you are wondering about that. It just contains more iron and folic acid than conventional multivitamin tablets for adults. Both folic acid and iron are required to inhibit the chances of growth defects in the developing fetus. Folic acid is beneficial to prevent the neural tube defects, which means the baby will grow up with a healthy brain and spinal cord. Iron is useful as it will prevent the development of anemia in the fetus.And there is morePrenatal vitamins are not just about the iron and the folic acid. There are certain brands like the GLOW prenatal vitamins that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as well. This compound is essential for the baby’s brain development. Along with that, if your prenatal vitamin contains calcium and vitamin D, then it is an added plus since these are required, especially during the third trimester when the bones grow.  So, what to look for?There are several brands out there in the market today, and most of them are commonly available as over-the-counter drugs. However, it is essential to go for a reputed seller or a merchant since it will ensure proper quality control. More than the brand name, you must read through the manufacturer’s detail at length.Keep in mind that you have to make sure the following vitamins are there in your batch.

  • Folic acid
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Vitamin D

Also, make sure that the batch contains Vitamins C, A, E along with minerals like Zinc, Copper, and Iodine.When to start?Well, the general idea is to start your prenatal vitamin course before the conception. It is quite common for women to start taking the pills regularly from the time they reach the reproductive age. If you know that you are pregnant, you need to begin with your course as soon as possible since most of the brain and neural development starts during the first trimester for the fetus. Continue with your prenatal vitamins throughout your pregnancy.Side-effectsSome might feel queasy after taking the pills. However, there are certain simple ways to counteract the effects. Follow this simple guide if you start feeling nauseated. 

  • Keep yourself hydrated
  • Add fiber to the diet
  • Keep yourself busy and fit with daily physical activities

If the complication persists, don’t delay contacting your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Have a great pregnancy.  

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