Five Musical Games You Can Play at Home With Your Kids

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When you want your kids to be engaged with the world of music, you are likely looking for musical games, toys, and activities that are fun for them. This is something that is going to change your life and keep your kids happy because it does not involve any screen time. However, you need to make sure that these games are actually fun or that you use these toys in a way that works for everyone.

As you read through the list, you are not bound by our ideas. If you have a better idea, go for it, but these are just nice things to do around the house with the kids. You should not feel like there is just one idea that works with each item. Musical games at home are a great way to spend time with your child, stimulate their curiosity, or even lay the groundwork for formal piano tuition in London or other musical pursuits.

  1. Piano Mats

Piano mats are always a good place to start because they come with musical tones and animal sounds or just fun noises. The kids get to step on these mats and play their own songs. You should let them do whatever they want, but you can show them how to play simple songs on the keyboard. They will get used to playing some of those simpler songs, and then they will start making up their own songs. This doesn’t need to feel like a composition lesson with John Corgiliano. You just want the kids to do their own thing and get exposed to music.

  1. Boom Sticks

Boom sticks are fun because they are color-coded and have different pitches based on the color of each stick. You can teach the kids to play songs with these sticks, and you can also make it easier for the kids to have fun getting their

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  1. […] old party games using unusual objects � charades in which you must use LEGOs to build clues or Name That Tune played on household objects instead of playing the intro on a device. Get creative with what […]

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