From Excelsior College to Free Apps: Financially Sound Ways to Further Your Education

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There’s no sure path to financial and personal success in the United States, but one thing is for sure: it pays to be educated. The more robust your education and the higher your level of achievement, the more attractive your resume will look to hiring managers.

But there’s a problem. As our nation is gripped by a serious crisis in student loan debt, it is becoming increasingly clear that not all educational paths make financial sense. If you’re not careful about how you map out your educational future, you could end up adrift in a sea of debt while holding a less marketable degree.

But there are alternatives. Here are a few financially sound ways to further your education.

Online universities, low-residency programs, and other work-while-you-learn options

We don’t all have the time or the money to take a break from working and pursue a degree at a traditional institution

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