Get a Clearer Mind With These 9 Yoga Exercises

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Yoga Exercises

The best way to get into yoga is to start slow. Instead of rushing into complicated, advanced poses, you should instead begin with basic movements and simple postures. This is why you want to begin with easier and simpler poses, rather than harder and advanced ones. Let’s take a look at the top 10 yoga exercises that are perfect for beginners. Each of these poses targets specific areas of your body, making it a great way to start your yoga routine.

1. Tree Pose

There are a number of reasons why this pose is a perfect choice for beginners. As the name suggests, it’s a tree pose, which means that it stretches your back. If you’re having trouble getting into a backbend, this is a great place to start. It also targets your legs and ankles, which means it’s a good place for beginners to start balancing postures.

2. Inward-Facing Dog

This pose is perfect for beginners because it targets your legs and back. It also works your glutes, abs, and lower back. Beginners should also keep in mind that they don’t have to do it the entire way up. Instead, they can stop halfway.

3. Bow Pose

This is a standing pose that works your legs, back, and lower back. It’s also a great stretch for your shoulders and upper back. In addition to this, it’s also a challenging pose that can help you build strength.

4. Donkey Pose

This is a forward bend that works your legs, hips, and spine. It’s also a great way to stretch out your back, while also targeting your hips. Those who are new to yoga can use this pose to ease themselves into a downward dog, which is another great beginner pose.

5. Top-Down Cat

This is a forward bend that works your upper body and shoulders, while also stretching your legs. Beginners can also use this pose to ease into downward dog and cobra, which are also two excellent poses for beginners. Furthermore, it’s a great challenge for those who are looking to challenge themselves; you can try holding the pose for longer.

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