If you are a parent, you will understand the cold stone of dread that settles in your stomach when you think about getting them up and out the house on time for you to get to work and them to school or nursery.
Getting out of the house on time with children is no mean feat and can be extremely stressful, so let’s have a look at some tried and tested ways to make it easier.
1) Lay clothes out the night before
If your child or children are not yet at school or don’t have a school uniform, decide with them the night before what they are wearing the next day.
Do the same for you, too. That way there are no early morning dashes to the dryer, no arguments over shorts in winter, and no staring idly into the closet deciding what to wear.
2) Find the shoes
No matter where your kids leave their shoes when they get home, you can guarantee they won’t be where they should be the next morning. Find and clean each and every required pair of shoes the night before so the next morning there is no standing at the door screaming
I’m a 20-something stay-at-home mother and wife. I have an amazing husband, a beautiful daughter, two loving dogs, and a lazy cat. I wouldn’t change my life for anything! I love to read, listen to music, cook and blog!
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