Gout Singapore: First Signs to Look For

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Gout is a form of arthritis that is caused by excess uric acid buildup in the body. This excess uric acid buildup may lead to painful joint inflammation, typically in the big toe.

Tailored gout treatment in Singapore typically involves lifestyle changes like dietary modifications, for example, to reduce purine intake and alcohol consumption. Your rheumatologist may also prescribe medications like NSAIDs, corticosteroids, or xanthine oxidase inhibitors to manage pain and lower uric acid levels.

On your end, you will want to maintain a healthy weight and stay hydrated to prevent flare-ups. This article looks into the first signs to check for if you suspect that you could be having gout. It also clarifies when to seek treatment for gout in Singapore.

What are the First Signs of Having Gout?

If gout is left untreated, it may lead to joint damage and worsening pain. To avoid these impacts, you will want to seek medical care immediately if you suspect that you could be dealing with gout. To tell if you’re having gout, here are some of the tell-tale signs you will need to keep an eye out for;

● Sudden Onset of Severe Joint Pain

The most telltale sign of gout is an abrupt and intense pain in a single joint. This pain is often felt in the big toe and can escalate rapidly and reaches its peak within a few hours.

The pain can make it challenging to bear weight on the affected joint. In fact, the discomfort may be so severe that even the gentle touch of clothing or bedsheets can cause excruciating agony.

This acute pain is typically the first warning sign of a gout flare-up. It should prompt you to seek medical attention promptly.

● Heat and Tenderness in the Joint

Alongside the severe pain, the affected joint may feel noticeably warm and tender to the touch. This heightened temperature and sensitivity are indicative of inflammation.

Again this is another key feature of gout attacks. The joint may exhibit increased sensitivity, which makes even slight pressure unbearable.

● Swelling in and Around the Affected Joint

Gout commonly manifests with swelling. This may cause the affected joint to appear visibly larger than usual.

The swelling may extend beyond the joint itself and affect surrounding tissues thereby creating a puffy or swollen appearance. This swelling exacerbates the discomfort and restricts the joint’s range of motion which can further impair mobility.

To help with early detection and management of gout attacks, you will want to monitor for swelling alongside other symptoms like severe pain mentioned earlier.

● Red, Shiny Skin Over the Affected Joint

Another characteristic sign of gout is the development of redness and shiny skin over the inflamed joint. This discoloration is a result of increased blood flow and inflammation in the area.

So, it is essentially what gives the skin a vibrant red hue. The shiny appearance may be attributed to the stretched and swollen nature of the skin.

● Peeling, Itchy, and Flaky Skin as Swelling Resolves

As the acute phase of a gout attack subsides and inflammation decreases, you may notice changes in the skin surrounding the affected joint. Key among these changes are peeling, itching, and flakiness as the swelling resolves.

This post-inflammatory skin reaction is a transient phenomenon. It indicates the gradual resolution of the gout flare-up. Also, while these skin changes can be bothersome, they typically resolve spontaneously without intervention.

When should you go to the Doctor for Gout?

Knowing when to seek medical attention for gout is crucial for effectively managing the condition and preventing complications. But how can you tell it is time to see the doctor? Here are three key signs to look for;

● Gout Flares Accompanied with Fever

Experiencing a gout flare is already distressing. But if you notice that you’re running a fever alongside it, it’s time to reach out to your doctor promptly.

While a fever can occasionally coincide with gout flares, it could also indicate a more severe condition known as septic arthritis. This condition involves a serious infection within the joint, which can rapidly damage cartilage and bone.

So, don’t waste any time. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience both gout symptoms and a fever, as this could signal a potentially dangerous situation requiring urgent treatment.

● Gout Flares with Lower Back Pain

Gout primarily targets extremities like the big toe. But, it doesn’t always adhere to this pattern.

So, if you’ve been experiencing unexplained lower back pain, especially alongside a history of elevated uric acid levels, it’s essential to consider the possibility of gout involvement. While gout in the spine is uncommon, it’s not unheard of.

There are cases where it manifests as back pain or even radiates to other areas like the neck or extremities. To ensure timely diagnosis and appropriate management, you will want to consult your doctor about persistent back pain, particularly if you have a gout history.

● Increased Frequency or Severity of Gout Flares

Typically, gout flares are intense but short-lived, with periods of remission in between. Gout attacks that get frequent or more severe over time are a clear indication that your condition may be worsening.

As earlier explained, untreated gout can lead to more frequent and intense flares which involve multiple joints. These effects signal a progression of the disease. They suggest a need for medical intervention to prevent further complications and manage the condition effectively.

Closing Thoughts

It may not be easy to tell the signs of gout if you’re getting it for the first time but the signs mentioned in this article should prompt an appointment with a rheumatologist for assessment. To manage the impacts and prevent joint damage, seek to get started on effective treatment options as soon as possible if you get symptoms that you suspect could be due to gout.

We provide tailored treatments that can help with gout in Singapore. To schedule an assessment or see our approach for gout treatment, get in touch with our team to make arrangements for your appointment. Call or visit us at;

Asia Arthritis & Rheumatology Centre – Dr Annie Law | Senior Rheumatologist | Lupus Treatment Singapore

3 Mt Elizabeth #05-03

Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre

Singapore 228510

(65) 6235 3909

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