Hair Transplants – What Are The Options?

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Oh, the glory days of being young. When the worst thing that could happen to you was a giant pimple. Or a bad hair day, when your fringe just wouldn’t do as it was told. Then along comes age, and while the spots are no longer there to ruin your day, it seems that every day is a bad hair day. You’ve noticed it thinning, and your hairline is receding. It doesn’t matter which way you style it; it’s kind of evident that you are slowly going bald. It’s not about vanity. Losing hair can be traumatic, saddening and even cause depression and suicidal thoughts. 

Well, just like you can get surgery to staple your stomach, a hair transplant is becoming more of a norm. It’s not just for celebs with fat wallets. A hair transplant really can be a suitable option for many men.

Hair Transplant Options

Doctors have been trying to solve the problem of hair loss for almost a century. The technique dates back to the 1930s in Japan. The first hair transplant and an option that is still used today is the FUT technique. This is done by taking a strip of scalp from the back of the head with thick healthy hair unaffected by hair loss hormones and using this to transplant into areas of the scalp affected by hair loss. This method is useful in harvesting numerous follicles, but it also leaves a scar. And has a longer healing time. 

A more modern and popular technique today is the FUE technique, where instead of a strip of the scalp being harvested, follicles are taken one by one and then used to fill in the thinner areas. This method provides a more natural look, and you’ll also heal a whole lot quicker. 

There’s also a method called micro-pigmentation. If you are comfortable with a shaved scalp but want to look as though you have intentionally shaved your head rather than being bald, you can have your head tattooed with tiny dots that bring back a hairline. Many women find bald men sexy, so this is an option to consider. 

Prices For Hair Transplants

Hair loss can cause a significant problem in many people’s self-esteem and affects their quality of living. Many people with hair loss never feel confident and are always self-conscious. Even though hair loss has a significant impact on a person’s mental health, you will never find this kind of surgery on medicare or any medical insurance package you have. 

Unfortunately, the procedure is not cheap in the US. You’ll find that prices start at around $8000. That’s a major chunk of change and just isn’t possible for many people. However, that’s where medical tourism can save the day. Turkey has cornered two-thirds of the global hair transplant market due to its amazing low prices and experts in hair transplantation. A hair transplant does work, and it can cost as little as $1200.

You can usually book an all-inclusive package that includes a three-day stay in a five-star hotel. Everything is done for you. There’ll be someone to meet you at the airport and a courier to take you to the clinic and back to the hotel. It only takes three days to recover enough to fly home, and you can have your hair transplant done by dedicated experts. Turkish doctors lead the way in experience and skill, so many American doctors come to Turkey to learn the craft. And if you are wondering about flights, well, if you choose an off-peak time of the year, a return flight can be as little as around $600.  

So if hair loss is concerning you, then don’t delay. Join two-thirds of the global hair transplant clients and head to Turkey.   

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