Healthy Foods That Taste Good: 7 Great Options High in Vitamin B-12

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Did you know that 40% of Americans are vitamin b12 deficient? Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t just vegan diets that cause deficiencies. 

There are specific vitamins the body needs to survive. While supplements are both effective and helpful, there are plenty of healthy foods that taste good and are packed with the nutrients we need to function.

Without enough b12, individuals can suffer detrimental effects on the body and mind. 

But rest assured, foods containing b12 are more common and accessible than you might think!

Keep reading to find out 7 fantastic options that are high in b12!

Symptoms of a Vitamin b12 Deficiency

Before the list of b12 rich foods, let’s first talk about what can happen if your body is b12 deficient.

A vitamin b12 deficiency can cause anemia, fatigue, constipation, loss of appetite, and weakness. It can also cause weight loss and neurological changes, such as tingling or numbness in the feet and hands. Additional symptoms include depression, confusion, poor memory, and soreness of the mouth or tongue. 

Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial to avoid irreversible damage of a b12 deficiency.

Here are 7 warning signs that might indicate you don’t have enough vitamin b12 in your diet:

  • Fatigue
  • Pale skin
  • Tingling sensation in your limbs
  • Mouth pain and ulcers
  • Breathlessness and dizziness
  • Changes to mobility
  • Mood swings

Now let’s take a look at those delicious foods rich in vitamin b12!

1. Eggs

Do eggs have b12? The answer is yes!

You’ll get 11% b12 in a large egg. Plus, eggs are an excellent source of lutein, which helps with skin elasticity and eyesight.

Depending on the chicken’s diet, eggs can be an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids too. Eggs are an obvious breakfast choice. They can also be hardboiled and kept in the fridge for an afternoon snack. 

Slice it in half and sprinkle it with a little salt and pepper, or eat it sliced on toast with butter.

Make a salad with sliced egg and chopped tomatoes. Then top it with nutritional yeast, and you’ll get more than your daily dose of b12!

2. Fortified Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast is an excellent source of protein, minerals, and vitamins, especially those on a vegan diet.

It’s grown to be used as food. While vitamin b12 isn’t naturally present in nutritional yeast, most nutritional yeast is fortified, making it an amazing source of b12.

Because it’s synthetically made, it’s vegan-friendly. Plus, just 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast contain up to 130% of the RDI (recommended daily intake) for vitamin b12.

3. Tuna

Tuna is an excellent source of a variety of nutrients, including minerals, proteins, and vitamins. When it comes to b12, tuna contains high concentrations, especially in the dark muscles located right beneath the skin.

In a 3.5-ounce serving, you’ll find over 150% of the RDI for b12. Plus, in that same portion of lean protein, you’ll get additional vitamins like b3 and selenium.

You can use it to make a tuna salad sandwich, put it in a salad, eat it on crackers, or even in a casserole!

4. Beef

If you love steak, you’re in luck! 

There’s plenty of b12 in beef. One flat iron steak could provide almost 200% of an individual’s RDI.

Plus, steak also contains other essential b vitamins, such as b2, b3, and b6. A serving of beef also includes more than 100% of the RDIs for both zinc and selenium.

If you want higher concentrations of b12, opt for low-fat cuts of the meat. Avoid frying it if you can. Grilling or roasting is optimal for preserving the b12 content.

5. Clams

Most seafood is high in b12. Clams, however, are both inexpensive and very high in b12. 

You can check off your lean protein and iron requirements when you eat clams too. Plus, they can help fight anemia. Because clams are filter-feeders, they contain fewer toxins, such as mercury.

Speaking of seafood, crabs and salmon are also excellent sources of vitamin b12.

Salmon will provide your omega-3 fatty acids and protein too.

6. Organ Meats

Liver and kidneys and b12, oh my! 

While most people turn their noses up at organ meats, they are some of the most nutritious foods in existence. Kidneys and livers are excellent sources of b12, especially those derived from lamb.

Just a 3.5-ounce serving of lamb liver contains 1,500% of an individual’s RDI for vitamin b12!

While lamb is richer in this fantastic vitamin, beef organs are also jam-packed with b12.

In addition to b12, lamb liver is high in selenium, copper, and other vitamins.

7. Fortified Non-Dairy Milk

Are you looking to add b12 to your diet but don’t want to consume any animal products. Are you wondering, does almond milk have b12? 

The answer is yes, as long as it’s fortified!

While non-dairy kinds of milk aren’t naturally high in b12, most are fortified. Thus, they are an excellent source of vitamin b12.

Any of these types of milk, if fortified, can provide almost 50% of the recommended daily intake for b12.

Increase Your b12 Intake with Healthy Foods That Taste Good

Whether you’re a carnivore or vegan, there are plenty of healthy foods that taste good and contain vitamin b12.

The key is to stay on top of what you eat and make sure you’re getting the recommended daily dose.

If you’re worried that you might be b12 deficient, stay on top of looking for symptoms and making sure that you’re eating lots of foods rich in b12.

Are you looking for more tips on how to improve your diet?

Check back daily for food recommendations and recipes that will keep your taste buds and your body happy! 

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