Helpful Information About Acne And The Causes

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What is acne?

Acne is a skin condition and occurs when the body is making an excess of sebum (oil that is preventing the skin from drying out), and this leads to clogged pores that results in lesions forming.

These lesions include comedones, which are normally open or closed plugs that form at the foundation of the hairs.

Other inflamed types of lesions:

  • Papules
  • Pustules
  • Nodules
  • Cysts

The four types of lesions normally develop when bacteria gets introduced with the plugs which cause an inflammatory reaction from the immune system. Acne is one of the most conventional skin conditions found in the United States.woman's eye and skin

There are four predominant factors behind the formation of lesions:

Hormones play a leading role, and that is why individuals are going through hormonal changes, i.e. puberty, pregnanc, and menopause usually struggle with acne, and this is often referred to as hormonal acne.

  1. During puberty, the production of the testosterone hormone rises which results in greasy skin due to the increase of sebum production (the oily substance which is discharged at the base of hairs to lubricate and protect the skin).
  2. Hair follicles become blocked and start forming clogged pores or

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