9 Helpful Parenting Tips For New Parents-To-Be

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Becoming new parents can be both exciting and nerve-wrecking. Despite, all the parenting books and online articles available for new parents, no one can prepare you a hundred percent for this new journey. One thing that we all can agree on is that your life will change immensely from the moment you welcome your new bundle of joy into your home. We as parents can be incredibly hard on ourselves but remember that you can only do your best. Here are nine helpful parenting tips to help you with the beginning of this new phase in your life.

  1. Do Not Be Too Proud To Accept Help

If relatives or friends offer to hold the baby so that you can take a shower, put on a load of washing, or make a cup of coffee, do not hesitate to say yes. They will not offer if they don’t really want to and every bit of help with a new-born is a plus.

  1. Taking Advice, But Follow Your Instincts

You’ll find that when you’re pregnant or becoming a new parent, there will be many people that are eager to give you advice about your baby. The best way of knowing what is best for your baby is to figure out as you go along. Take advice, but still follow your own parental instincts. 

  1. Don’t Sweat Not Being Able To Clean For Guests

You might have an overrun of guests during the initial weeks of baby arriving home. Don’t worry about cleaning beforehand. The washing and dishes can wait. Having a new-born keeps one extremely busy and your guests might even offer to do them for you. 

  1. Sleep In Between Whenever You Can

You will hear this often. That you must sleep whenever you can and while baby is sleeping. This is incredibly helpful. All the sleepless nights will have you feeling tired all the time. Every bit of sleep that you can get will make a difference. Check out Yamo.bio for more helpful parenting articles. 

  1. Just Because Breastfeeding Is Natural, Doesn’t Mean It Is Easy

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re struggling at first. If you still want to press on, despite your struggles, enlist the help of breastfeeding professionals to assist you. Your doctor can also give you referrals. 

  1. Do Not Disregard Baby Blues

If you feel overwhelmed, teary and struggle to cope, it doesn’t mean you’re not a good parent, these feelings are perfectly normal. Your hormones are all over the place and must re-balance. Reach out and talk to someone about what you are going through. 

  1. Exercising

You probably will not get excited about doing exercise, especially after you have had a rough night. However, a mere stroll around the block or gentle exercises can make you feel more energetic, plus exercise releases endorphins that can boost your mood. 

  1. Take Your New-Born Outside Each Day

Fresh air and a change of scenery can be good for both of you. Take your new-born for a walk in his stroller, even if it is just around the block. 

  1. Make Some Time For Yourself

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