House Cleaning Checklist for Maintaining a Clean Home

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By all standards, cleaning is a chore. However, while few love engaging in it, we all love its results. Having a clean home gives you peace of mind and a sense of calm and order. If you’re not sure of what you need to maintain your home, we have a house cleaning checklist that will help you stay on top of things.

1. Keep a Cleaning Schedule

Maintaining a cleaning routine will significantly help you to keep your home clean. You should do some cleaning every day, while you can see to other tasks monthly, depending on how important they are. If you think you can’t do it by yourself, ask for extra helping hands; Visit company website here.

2. Daily Cleaning 

As far as cleaning goes, you should clean some items every day to cut down on future scrubbing and reduce germs and harmful bacteria in your home. Some of these items include:

Coffee Maker

Clean your coffee maker daily and wash the removable parts with warm, soapy water. You can also put those parts in the dishwasher. When you’re done, wipe down the machine’s body and the warming plates to remove spills.

Dirty Dishes

Never let your dirty dishes pile up, because they’ll look unsightly and breed germs. Stick them in your dishwasher as often as possible and let it do all the work for you.


Sweep your floors daily to get rid of dust and tracked-in dirt. You could also use a robot vacuum for hardwood floors, rugs, and carpets.

Clean Surfaces

Wipe down your kitchen counters every night before bed. Doing that will go a long way in killing germs and preventing them from breeding. While you’re at it, also sanitize your kitchen sink, taps, and other surfaces. 

You can also wipe down bathroom surfaces, sinks, and shower walls. It might seem like a lot of work to do every day, but with the right cleaning agents, it’ll only take you a few short minutes.

3. Weekly Cleaning

Waiting a week to tackle some household cleaning will keep you from feeling overwhelmed. You can spread the tasks over a few days to give you more time and help you to dedicate more energy to them.

Some things you consider cleaning weekly are:


To safely clean your microwave’s interior,  fill a microwave-safe dish with a cup of water and six to eight tablespoons of vinegar. Heat the mixture for several minutes until the microwave’s window becomes steamy, then let it cool for a few more minutes. Remove the dish and wipe the interior clean with a sponge. 

Scrub Surfaces 

Bathroom and kitchen environments endure high humidity levels – a phenomenon that leaves surfaces prone to germs. So, scrub the surfaces weekly to remove any germs and mold. You should focus mainly on glass surfaces, tiles, your bathtub, and other notable surfaces. 

Sanitize Sponges

You may not know it, but those sponges you clean things with are also breeding grounds for molds. To sanitize them, mix half a cup of bleach in a gallon of water and soak your sponge in it for five minutes. Rinse  and squeeze the sponge, and you’re good to go. 

3. Monthly Cleaning

The chore of cleaning takes a toll, and it’s impossible for you to clean some items daily or weekly. However, it’s also advisable that you spread your monthly cleaning over a week or delegate the task. 

Regardless of how you do it, ensure that you clean these items monthly: 

Washing Machine

Luckily, the newer washing machine models have special washer cleaner cycles. However, there’s also a way for people with older versions. Just place a specialty cleaner in your washer and run a normal cycle with hot water. 


You can descale your dishwasher by filling a large glass cup with vinegar and placing it on the machine’s  top rack. Heat-dry or run the dishwasher without detergent.

Vacuum Cleaner

To keep a vacuum’s suction in good shape, change your bag when it’s three-quarters full and replace the filter if it’s dirty or torn. You should also cut off all threads that the brush catches  with a seam ripper or a pair of scissors.

4. Bi-Monthly Cleaning

It’s easy to forget some items. Sadly, these tend to fester without your knowledge, even though you use them every day. Here are some of them, and how you can clean them:

Clean Ovens

You can use a damp sponge to wipe away stray bits of food. If your oven has a self-cleaning function, then use it to remove tough grime. Take out your oven racks and wash them in the sink with warm, soapy water and a hard sponge. 

Shower Curtains

You can easily stick your plastic or vinyl curtains in the washing machine and launder them on the highest water level.

5. Yearly Cleaning

Most people prefer to conduct heavy-duty cleaning once a year. Some of the tasks that take the most time and effort include: 

Deep Clean Carpets

If you have several carpets in your home, you should consider renting or investing in a special carpet cleaner. You’ll also need a washing solution for removing carpet stains and dirt.

Deep Clean Windows and Curtains

Pull down your curtains and send them off to the dry cleaners to launder and press them. You can also remove dirt and dust from your windows and spritz a window cleaner on them before wiping with a clean microfiber cloth.

One secret to spotlessly clean windows lies in the equipment. Window cleaners usually use water-fed poles for deep cleaning. This results in clear and streak-free windows.  

With house cleaning, you can do some of the work or ask for help from others, especially if your hands are already full. 

Do you have more ideas to share for a happy, healthy, and tidy home? Please leave a comment.

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