How a Good Education Can Make You a Better Parent

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It has become pass to speak of the benefits of education. This is a sermon you have already heard. Indeed you have been preaching it to your kids since they were old enough to go to school. When it comes to trumpeting the value of education, you are already a model parent. In 2017, CNN reported that only 13% of college students paid for some of their education with a college fund. If you are one of those few parents with a college fund for their children, you are breathing rarified air, indeed.

As parents, we need to be aware of the needs, potentials, and limitations of our kids at all times. This means that parents that have special children need to acknowledge the fact that a regular public-school curriculum might not be the best fit for their children. In such instances, opting for an educational institution that offers inclusive school programmes might be more beneficial for your child. You can also do a course on special education to better help your child with support and guidance in this regard. Don’t think of this as some sort of a limitation. Rather, focus on the better things that inclusive education and special needs programmes can bring to the holistic development of your child.

But the mantra about the importance of education is not just for kids. It is also for parents. I get it, you have already been through school. But there is always more school. If you have found yourself unsatisfied in your current job and have had trouble moving up, you already know that something has to give. It is among all things possible that you have reached the highest level you can with your current level of education. It will be tough to squeeze into your already busy schedule. But you know it would be good for you. Here are a few reasons why:

Post-Pandemic Rebuilding

A lot of people who were career comfortable are finding themselves out of work and in need of not just a new job but a new career. This is the perfect time to check out electrical engineering colleges in your area because engineers are always needed during a rebuilding cycle. The longer the pandemic goes on, the bigger the rebuilding cycle will be. It is already big because there will be a lot of displaced workers reentering the workforce and getting back into the office. New office buildings will need to be built as more displaced workers take their skills and go to work for themselves. 

It might be a while before retail and food service are back to full strength Many businesses have had to close their doors for good. If you were in one of those industries and are lucky enough to still have work, you shouldn’t rest too comfortably. Take this opportunity to look around and see what else interests you. By adding to your education, you will be able to transition to something potentially more fulfilling as well as more stable.

You Have More Productive Things You Could Do

As a skilled and clever mom, you probably already have one or two side-hustles keeping you busy and bringing in a little extra income. But that might not be enough. Instead of side-hustles, you could use some of that time to go to school online and finish your degree. There is no reason your kids should be the only ones taking advantage of remote learning. You can do it, too.

You do not have to abandon being a stay-at-home mom. You can simply complete your degree in something that will allow you to work from home. This makes for a nice second income without the need for a second car. Unfortunately, there are not many entry-level or service jobs that can accommodate remote working. But with just a little more formal education, you will be able to qualify for a job that does.

Set an Example for Your Kids

It is going to be hard to sell your kids on getting more than a high-school diploma if that is where you ended your education. If you want them to finish a degree and not drop out, you need to set an example and finish yours. Telling kids to do something you have not done is just preaching. Showing kids the importance and value of education by finishing yours is leading by example. That is always the more effective way to move the needle. 

No one said education was easy. Some days, it is not even funny. Much of the time, it feels like busywork that you are far too busy to do. But it is worth doing anyway if only to take advantage of the post-pandemic rebuilding opportunities, to take better advantage of your time at home, and to set a good example for the ones who look up to you. 

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