How Can a Sola Wood Flowers Wholesale Shop Improve Its Sales?

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Although it may seem easy, creating the perfect wooden wedding bouquets isn’t easy. Even with the numerous options that wooden flowers offer, choosing the right sizes, shapes and colors isn’t easy. That is why any good sola wood flowers wholesale shop owner should be careful to always have a big inventory and plenty of options to choose from for just such an occasion. 

Why Do People Buy Wooden Wedding Bouquets?

A wedding bouquet is probably the single most important floral arrangement in any wedding. The style of the bouquet must reflect the brides’ own choices but it also has to go with the entire theme of the wedding. The bouquet has to stand out without eclipsing the one who is carrying it. And that is why choosing and creating the right bouquet for every bride is a very difficult job that not many can do. Over the years, styles and sizes have changed and various flowers have come in and went out of fashion. Besides the trends, there are also various symbolistic properties attached to each kind of flower. That only makes the job of fashioning the right bouquet even more challenging. Luckily, event planners, wedding organizers and florists all over the world have found a solution in the form of wooden flowers. 

Wooden wedding bouquets have been in fashion for some time now, and they are not going anywhere anytime soon. That’s because they have a lot of advantages as opposed to their natural flowers counterparts. The first and most notable advantage is that wooden flowers are always available no matter the season. One of the biggest problems in choosing the right natural flower bouquet was that not all flowers are available all year round and everywhere in the world. There are solutions to this problem, but they cost a lot of money. Wooden flowers on the other hand are available anywhere in the world and can be found regardless if it is the dead of winter or the middle of July. This is why they are so popular with brides and wedding planners everywhere.

Besides being available at a moments’ notice, wooden flowers are also highly customizable. Any bride can have literally any combination of colors she wants. Stem size isn’t an issue, and if she feels like experimenting, she can even add patches of fabric to make the whole bouquet even more eye-catchy. Also, the bouquet can be made to smell like anything the customer wants. And the great thing about that is that, once the ceremony is over, you can use that bouquet to brighten up and even freshen up your house forever. A wooden flower bouquet is very low maintenance and can last for as long as you want it to. Just make sure to give the petals a spritz of Channel no. 5 from time to time to make them retain the memory of that perfect day.

Where Do People Buy Wooden Wedding Bouquets from?

Traditionally, a wedding bouquet would be created by a specialized florist, using the ideas of the bride and the recommendations of her planner. Things haven’t changed too dramatically in this department, but the options the bride has are much more. If normally a florist would be your first stop on the road to the perfect bouquet, now the journey might begin at a shop that specializes in wooden, handcrafted objects or even at a hobby store. There are also many options only. From sola wood flowers wholesale shops all the way to small indie workshops, anyone can find almost anything they can think of online and have t shipped in a matter of days. Granted, you will have to use your artistic skills a little more in order to create the bouquet you want, but the effort will be well worth it at the end. And, as always, the internet can help you with anything from color ideas to tutorials on assembling the bouquet. 

But traditional florist shops aren’t giving up without a fight. Florists and flower shop owners understood the huge potential that wooden wedding bouquets have and want to get their piece of the pie. That is why more and more traditional flower shops are starting to carry a wooden flower option for the brides that have their hearts set on a unique bouquet. The deal gets even better for florists. Because wooden flowers are available all year-round and are fairly cheap compared to natural flowers, they can offer special discounts and have a lot more options for brides to choose from. Also, because the material they are made out of isn’t as fragile as natural flowers, they can come up with new and inventive ways of arranging the flowers and thus creating new shapes and styles to suit any brides’ desires.

How Can a Sola Wood Flowers Wholesale Shop Increase Its Sale?

Running a sola wood flowers wholesale shop can be quite demanding. Although you deal with pretty little things every day, your competition can be fierce and your customers can be quite demanding. And because of this, you might sometimes find yourself asking what can you do in order to increase your sales. The first logical step to take is to increase your inventory. People love to be able to choose from a large variety, and you should offer them that option. The more types of flowers you have, the more time a potential client will spend in your store, and that in turn can translate to a higher chance of purchase. Also, variation is key. It’s not enough to have the most flowers on the market if you only carry one type. Ideally, you should always be informed and know what the trends are, and try to get ahead of them by offering clients from simple daisies to exotic choices.

Another way any sola wood flowers wholesale shop can increase its sales is to have a strong online presence. Most people browse online before going into a shop to by something. That means that chances are there are potential clients looking to buy wooden flowers that are looking for the best place to do so. Also, people are doing more online shopping today than ever before. It pays to have an online store linked to your Facebook or Instagram pages in order to make it easier for clients to find you and see what you can offer them.   

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