How Can Children Keep Their Brains Healthy

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Children Keep Their Brains Healthy

Anxiety, depression, and stress are not only for adults. Children can also have negativity in their brains as they go through their everyday lives.

They could feel sad at some point, and it needs to be dealt with right away before it gets worse. Many parents enroll their kids, especially the ones with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), in a Brain Retrain Course to improve their brain activity and have a better life ahead.

Aside from cognitive training, there are ways you can keep your children’s brains healthier. And most of them do not require professional help.

You can easily do these things to your kids and let them start having a better, healthier brain.

Consider The Nutrition They Are Getting

Children nowadays love eating sweets and potato chips. And in some cases, parents provide them with processed food or take-outs because of their busy schedules.

Keep in mind that the food you feed them can highly affect their focus and concentration. Preparing a balanced meal every day is a key factor in their physical and mental health.

Their bodies are not so different from ours. They need proper nutrients to keep their brains functioning at school and do other activities.

Sweets, such as sweetened chocolates, are our usual choice when they need to be energized. This type of food can give them sugar to let their brain and bodywork.

However, it does not feed the brain properly.

Giving them the right amount of nutrients is essential. It is highly recommended to feed them food high in protein and iron, such as meat and leafy vegetables.

A study published in The New York Times says that eating fish is good for our kids’ brains.

Let Them Sleep Long

Sleeping is one of the most critical elements of keeping children’s brains healthy. It can help their brain and body relax.

But keep in mind that kids sleep longer than adults. Also, the duration is different for each age group.

  • Toddlers: 11 – 14 hours
  • 3 – 5 years old: 11 – 13 hours
  • 6 – 12 years old: 9 – 11 hours
  • Teenagers: at least 9 hours

It is best to let them sleep consecutively rather than fragmented sleep of 2-3 hours. It is also advisable to create a routine for their daily sleeping schedule.

Stimulate Their Brains Through Exercises

All people need to use their brains in various ways to keep them healthy, and kids are not an exception. You can start by letting them solve puzzles.

As they grow older, you can introduce new activities such as Sudoku, crossword, memory games, reading, and even acting. You also need to give them difficult ones once in a while to challenge their brains.

There are many activities that you can use. And as a parent, you need to find which ones are perfect for your kids’ level. Do not rush them to solve challenging ones right away.

Instead, focus on simple activities first and gradually adjust them according to their progress.

Give Them Time To Do Physical Activities

Exercises and playing sports contribute a lot to keeping our brains healthy. Kids and adults should do physical activities regularly as it helps reduce insulin resistance and inflammation.

Also, according to Harvard, regular exercises can sharpen our memories. It also helps us improve our sleeping patterns, which could contribute to decreasing mood swings.

You do not need to let your child play rough sports regularly. You can introduce them to moderate ones.

Stretching, walking, and jogging are some of the most common ways. Some parents have introduced their kids to yoga. You can do it to your kids, too.

But it is best to introduce them to several ones so they can choose which ones they can have more fun with.

Allow Them To Relax

Even children can get stressed. Our world is fast-paced, and some can hardly keep up with the changes. Their daily lives tend to change regularly regardless of where they are.

School rules and regulations could be different yearly, and their classmates can be different. This is the same thing outside their schools as there could be changes in your town.

Letting them take a breather is a good idea. Take them to a relaxing place, away from the changes. This will help their brain take a break from all the things around them.

If you don’t have time to go out, creating a relaxing place and time in your home for them will work. You just have to make sure that this area offers them a relaxing time.

Patience Is A Key To Keep Their Brains Healthy

Maintaining the children’s mental health is challenging. In most cases, they would be uncooperative. So it is a best practice to start these ways early.

And always include reinforcements to let them understand that it is for their health. Once you have established good practice, you can rest assured that your children will have better, healthier brains.

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