How Long Should It Take to Fall Asleep?

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If you struggle with getting a peaceful night’s sleep, you’re not alone. If you’re wondering how long should it take to fall asleep, read on for the answer!

You woke up again feeling overly tired and unmotivated. Will you ever get a good night’s sleep?

If a lack of sleep is becoming way too ordinary for you, you might want to start taking this subject a little more seriously. Sleep is vital for your health, moods, and performance.

If you can’t seem to fall asleep at night but sleep well once you do, you may need to make some adjustments to your life. After all, how long should it take to fall asleep?

Not being able to get to sleep at night is a problem that affects 27% of American adults. If you have this problem, keep reading to learn more about how long it should take to fall asleep, as well as what you can do to solve this problem.

The Amount of Sleep You Need

Experts recommend getting between 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Everyone is different though, so you should realize that this is just an estimate.

Some people naturally need more than this, while others operate fine on less than this.

If you feel tired all the time and struggle to get to sleep at night, you might not be getting enough sleep. There is also a chance that you might not be getting good sleep. There is a difference between the types of sleep you get.

How Long Should It Take to Fall Asleep? The Definition of Sleep Latency

Experts call the time it takes for you to fall asleep your sleep latency. This word refers to the amount of time it takes for you to reach the sleep state from the time you lie down in bed.

Ordinary people have a sleep latency of 10 to 20 minutes. If you fall asleep faster than this, it may indicate that you are not sleeping enough. Falling asleep too quickly can indicate other issues too, such as a medical problem.

If you lie down and cannot fall asleep within 20 minutes, there is a problem. There may be an even bigger problem if it takes you an hour or longer to get to sleep. It simply should not take this long.

The Factors That Affect Your Sleep Latency

A lot of factors can affect your sleep latency. If, for example, it takes you an hour to fall asleep each night, it might be due to too much sleep. If you take naps every day or sleep for 10 hours a night, you might be sleeping too much.

To find out how much sleep you need each night, use a sleep calculator. This tool can help you determine the right amount of time for you to stay in bed each night.

If you’re not sleeping too much and struggling to fall asleep, you might have a sleep disorder. Insomnia is a prevalent disorder that prevents people from falling asleep or staying asleep.

Your habits may also affect your sleep latency. For example, do you drink a cup of coffee every evening with your dinner? If so, the caffeine you are consuming may be the culprit for your sleep issues.

The Health Risks of Not Getting Enough Sleep

You probably don’t realize that a lack of sleep is harmful to your health, but this is true. Not sleeping enough has a lot of potential risks, and here are a few.

Heart Problems

People who consistently fail to sleep enough have an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and other heart-related problems.

Weakened Immune System

Failing to get enough sleep can also affect your immune system. Your immune system rebuilds and strengthens itself while you sleep. Without enough sleep, your immune system will not function as well as it should.

Digestive Issues

You will also have a higher risk of developing digestive issues without enough sleep. People tend to gain more weight when they do not rest enough, as the hormones in their bodies do not function as effectively without proper rest.

Emotional Problems

A lack of proper sleep also puts you at risk for emotional problems. You may feel tired and moody as a result. You may have trouble focusing and concentrating on tasks.

You might have no motivation or interest in anything in life. You may even feel depressed, sad, or anxious.

Tips to Help You Improve Your Sleep

If you want to reduce your risks of these issues and improve the way you feel, you’ll need to find ways to improve your sleep.

One way to do this is by getting a new mattress. Is there a chance that you cannot sleep because you are uncomfortable?

If so, try a new mattress. It can make a big difference.

Two, stop using electronics an hour before you go to bed. Electronics stimulate the brain, and this interferes with its ability to shut down.

Three, avoid caffeine for at least five hours before bed. Caffeine also stimulates the brain and interferes with the natural clock your brain uses to control your sleep schedule.

Finally, try to stick with a schedule. If you can go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time, you might be able to train your body to fall asleep faster.

You may also want to talk to your doctor about this issue if you feel that you have a medical reason that is preventing you from sleeping well.

Learn More About the Value of Sleep

So, how long should it take to fall asleep? The answer is that it shouldn’t take too long. You should fall asleep within 10 to 20 minutes of going to bed.

If you would like to learn more about what is preventing you from sleeping well, check out our blog. You can find articles about the importance of sleep, as well as tips to help you sleep better each night.

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