How Much Does Botox Cost? The Real Answer May Surprise You…

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In 2017, the number one minimally invasive plastic surgery procedure was Botox, topping out at over 7 million procedures. The next year, 25% more procedures were done.

Botox continues to be a top contender when it comes to plastic surgery. But what is it about Botox that’s so appealing, how much does Botox cost? 

Keep reading to get these answers to these questions!

What Is Botox?

You might have heard of or seen advertisements for Botox injections. But perhaps you’re still confused about what exactly it is. 

In short, Botox is a minimally invasive injection or injections containing a toxin called onobotulinumtoxinA that is designed to cease the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the skin. As you age, wrinkles form naturally on your face due to a lack of elasticity in the skin. 

Botox works by stopping the nerves that form muscle contractions that aid in the formation of wrinkles. 

What Is a Botox Procedure Like?

Botox injections take place in a medical facility.  

Before you decide to get Botox injections, you’ll meet with your doctor to go over the details. You’ll give your medical history to make sure you’re a good candidate for Botox. 

Once you’re cleared for Botox, at your appointment, your doctor will inject the desired area with a thin needle. There may be some pain or discomfort at the site, but it’s fairly minimal. Your doctor will then give you instructions on caring for your treatment, and you should see results in a few days. 

Who Can Get Botox?

According to Dr. Breslow, to be a good candidate for Botox injections you need to generally be in good health with no nerve disorders. This is especially important since Botox directly impacts your nerves. 

Not all people get Botox for cosmetic reasons. Some people utilize them for health ailments such as:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Lazy eye or twitching
  • Migraines
  • Bladder problems

If you’re using Botox to treat many conditions, your doctor will decide the dosage and number of treatments. 

Pregnant and nursing women are discouraged from receiving Botox. 

How Much Does Botox Cost?

When you’re considering Botox injections, you’ll want to know the cost. This can be a little tricky to nail down due to many factors.

On average, most injections range from $200-500 but can increase significantly. The cost depends on the location of the injection and how many you’re wanting. Botox is priced by cost per unit, which equals out to $10-15 per unit. 

The price of the injection varies with each location. For example, an injection on the eyebrows might start at $450, while the neck area begins at $850.

Another factor is the specialist. If you’re paying a well-known doctor to administer your Botox, your price will increase due to their expertise. 

However, you come across an ad or a doctor who claims they can give you botox at a discounted rate, beware! Many ‘doctors’ try and capitalize on this popular filler, and many people are easily persuaded by low-cost Botox. If your board-certified physician cannot provide proof of medical expertise, find one who can.

Your botox injections must be administered by a medical professional with extensive knowledge of cosmetic treatments. You should always have injections done in a medial environment.

The likelihood of needing one injection is very small, and many people need multiple ones to achieve the desired results. This can make the price skyrocket as well. Keep in mind that the Botox only lasts 3-6 months, so reoccurring treatments need to be considered. 

How to Pay for Botox

Because Botox is generally considered a cosmetic procedure, the chances of insurance covering the cost completely are highly unlikely. There may be loopholes, however, if the injections are needed as a result of an injury or to treat an ailment. 

There are a couple of routes for helping cover the cost of Botox. 

First, contact your insurance company to see if they will cover the cost partially. In some cases, especially if it’s related to treating a medical problem, they may pitch in according to your policy. It never hurts to at least ask. 

Secondly, contact your doctor’s office to see if there is any kind of financing or other payment plans available. Some doctor’s offices offer this option so their patients can afford the treatment they need. 

Health Risks and Rewards

As with any medical procedure, there are risks associated with getting Botox. 

Here are some side effects that may stem from using Botox:

For eye treatments, you may experience dryness or problems with vision

  • Headaches
  • Sagging eyebrows or drooling from the mouth
  • Nerve damage
  • Trouble breathing
  • Pain, swelling or bruising where injected
  • Allergic reactions
  • If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately. 

Despite some of the concerns and side effects associated with Botox, it is a safe procedure and you do achieve some great pros:

  • Diminished appearance of lines and wrinkles, resulting in smoother skin
  • Seeing results within days
  • Almost no downtime depending on the site of injection
  • If you’re using Botox for cosmetic reasons, you can decide to continue or stop the injections if you don’t like the results. 

Ultimately the choice is up to you! Botox can be a wonderful way to maintain your youthful appearance or treat other health issues. 

Botox: Is It for You?

When considering how much does Botox cost, you’ll want to weigh all the pros and cons to see if it’s worth it. If you decide it’s something you want, contact your doctor today for more information. 

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