How Should a Christian Parent Handle Their Child’s Substance Abuse?

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Is your child suffering with substance abuse? In this article, we’ll discuss ways to handle the situation and support your child through, as a Christian.

When your child is suffering with substance abuse, it can be difficult to know which way to turn. Fortunately, as a Christian, you’re surrounded by supportive resources to help you cope with this challenging situation. 

There’s much to educate children on when it comes to drugs. Some parents may delve into the world of drug trafficking by looking at resources from drug trafficking defence solicitors; others may just warn children of the health concerns related to drug use.

There is no right or wrong way to educate children about drugs. The main thing is that you create an open dialogue surrounding the topic of drug use, so that your child feels comfortable reaching out to you if it becomes an issue. Keep reading for ways parents can navigate their child’s issues with substance abuse…

What is Substance Abuse?

Substance abuse is when someone becomes so dependent on drugs or alcohol, that their usage becomes very harmful and damaging to the person. A person addicted to substances may go to desperate lengths to feed their addiction, causing financial and mental trouble as a result. This behaviour can also put significant strain on their relationships with loved ones.

It’s perfectly normal to feel worried, scared or embarrassed about seeking help for your child’s addiction. However, it’s important to put their needs first. You’re not likely to receive any backlash by reaching out for help and support.

Where Can Parents Get Help for Substance Abuse?

There are a number of resources to turn to for help and guidance with this issue. You may already be seeking help from your local church, but you could also utilise the following resources:

Seek help from a GP

One of the simplest ways to deal with your child abusing substances is seeking help from your GP. This might be easier said than done in some cases, as you may need to convince your child to cooperate. However, it’s a great starting point that can help you get to the root cause of the substance abuse, as well as putting your child on the right path to recovery. 

A GP may offer them treatment at the practise, or they might refer your child to the local drug service. Equally, you could bypass the GP and go straight to your local drug service if you prefer. You can find your local drug treatment services here.

Charities and private drug treatments 

In addition to your GP, there are many charities and private treatment organisations that can offer help for children with addiction issues. Your local area will determine what’s available to you easily. 

It’s also worth noting that private drug treatments can be expensive, but it’s possible to get a referral through the NHS in some cases. 

A person and a child sitting on a couch

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What Happens During Drug Treatment?

If you’re apprehensive about going to a drug treatment organisation for help because you don’t know what to expect, then you’re not alone. Typically, at your child’s first appointment, they will ask about the drug use and may also delve into their personal life and housing situation.

This is not to place blame or judgement – it’s simply to gain a more detailed understanding of the situation and background. You and your child will be talked through the treatment plans available so that you can agree on one to follow. You’ll also be assigned a keyworker to support you through the treatment plan. 

Depending on what your child is addicted to, the treatment plan may include a variety of different treatments and strategies. Some of these include but aren’t limited to: 

  • Medication based treatment: this is where they substitute the drugs a person is addicted to with less harmful substances, such as methadone, to
    • Medication based treatment: this is where they substitute the drugs a person is addicted to with less harmful substances, such as methadone, to

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