How Taking Care of Yourself Makes You a Better Mom

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Most people don’t fully appreciate the hard work and effort that goes into being a good mom. Sometimes it’s because of societal beliefs and other people’s expectations. Being a mom means always carrying out your duties while maintaining good health and physical appearance. That’s the usual narrative.

The reality is that healthy moms have to be vigilant to ensure that other aspects of their lives don’t fall apart. Modern life can be complicated. Juggling household duties and a career is hard enough. Add in the responsibility of caring for your kids, and it can be a little overwhelming. In a bid to be a caring mother and wife while holding down a job, moms can find themselves not taking care of their needs as they should. This can be detrimental to their families.

Motherhood is something every mom should enjoy. Needless to say, mothers that don’t take proper care of themselves as they should are less likely to enjoy this phase of their lives.

Take care of yourself

As a mother, caring for yourself is essential. This is a piece of advice that health professionals often reiterate. And for a good reason.

A healthy mother is much more likely to take care of their families properly. This advice is usually not necessary when a mother is pregnant. Even before being told by health professionals, moms make an effort to take good care of themselves while pregnant. The growing fetus tends to emphasize this fact tacitly.

The problem usually starts after giving birth. As soon as the baby is born, many moms devote all their attention toward the baby, sometimes to their detriment. Maternal instincts usually mean that moms are always looking out for their kids, whether it’s providing for them physically or emotionally.

This undivided attention can be a double-edged sword. While caring for the baby is essential, a mother who neglects to take proper care of herself is doing a disservice to her and her family. A healthy mom is better suited to fulfill her motherly duties. A big part of being a healthy mom means proper care.

It’s acceptable to take time for yourself

Unfortunately, many moms don’t even realize that they’re not taking care of themselves properly. A good mom is usually well-rested, eats healthy, exercises regularly, and maintains close relationships with friends and family. The latter point is crucial. Close relationships are an invaluable asset. They provide a support structure that moms can lean on when the going gets tough, which happens more often than many moms would care to admit.

Some mothers believe that it’s selfish to take the time to exercise and pamper themselves as if doing such things detracts from their duties. The truth is that exercising and pampering yourself as a mom will pay off in the long run. Exercise, for example, means the release of endorphins which help to improve moods. Seemingly luxurious pastimes like going to the sauna can also help with improving moods. All these things, when done periodically, can help a mom better cope with the inevitable stress of being a mother and juggling other areas of her life.

It’s not uncommon for many mothers, especially new ones, to ignore all other aspects of their lives and focus solely on their children’s welfare. Something as mundane as taking a 20-minute walk around the neighborhood, for example, becomes a challenge because many moms view this as a waste of time. In their minds, those 20 minutes are better utilized doing chores.

Exercise, entertainment, and self-pampering are good for breaking the monotony of everyday life and

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