How To Avoid Depression After The Army

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People who have served in the army are more prone to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. So, if you are one of those people, make sure you take care of your mental health. 

By being a little bit careful, you can lead a happy and fulfilled life after the army. In this post, we are going to provide some tips that will help you develop a self-care routine and avoid depression. 

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to take care of your mental health. Physical exercise releases dopamine, endorphin, and some other feel-good hormones that can improve your mood. It can increase energy, relieve stress, and promotes better sleep. 

When choosing a form of exercise, take your current physical condition into consideration. Talk to your physician. If you find that you are not physically fit for heavy exercise, consider playing golf or something else that does not tire you out quickly. 

Stretching, walking, yoga, bicycling, martial arts, boxing, swimming, and weightlifting are some common forms of physical exercise. Whatever form of exercise you choose, make sure you enjoy it. 

Get a job

After leaving the service, getting into a job is one of the best ways to ward off depression. There are plenty of military-friendly employers who will welcome you to the civilian workforce. And the procedure does not have to be complicated. You just have to prepare your resume and submit it. 

Due to time constraints and some other regions, many job seekers these days are using resume writing services. They just go online, find the best rated resume writing services, and get the job done by professional resume writers. When using such a service, it is important to provide the writer with all relevant information about the job seeker’s qualifications.

Eat a balanced diet

Your mental health, to a great extent, depends on your diet. The food you eat directly affects your mood. Eating nutritious foods is not going to solve all issues, but it can make a huge difference. 

Make it a habit to eat different types of fruits and vegetables every single day. Make sure your breakfast includes fiber and protein. If you are feeling hungry in the afternoon, eat light snacks. Limit alcohol consumption because alcohol can increase the symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

Get enough sleep

Insufficient sleep is one of the major causes of poor mental health. An enormous body of evidence suggests that we modern people are sleeping significantly less than our ancestors, and this is one of the factors responsible for the epidemic of depression. 

Lack of sleep can ruin everything. Even if you have the skills to land a normal job and get into civilian life, even if you are using the best-rated resume writing service and preparing for an interview, things are unlikely to work out smoothly if you are getting very little sleep every night. 

Get a full night’s sleep. Even if you are busy, do not compromise on your sleep. Many people have difficulty falling asleep due to excessive use of smartphones. Stop scrolling your newsfeed at least 3 hours before you go to bed. 


Socializing is one of the best ways to fight the symptoms of depression. Once you have retired from many years of service in the army, getting back into civilian life can be challenging. 

But in order to maintain good mental health, take your social role seriously. If your local sports team wins a match, find a way to celebrate it. Getting involved in a group is the best way to avoid feelings of isolation. 

Instead of relying on virtual communication, make visits to your near and dear ones in person. If you have not yet prepared your resume, ask someone close if they can recommend a resume writing service. Talk about the strategies for landing a job, and talk about things that are not serious. This is not a waste of time; it is a part of socialization. Accept that small talk is a part of life. 

Final thoughts

If you are experiencing the symptoms of depression, do not deny the fact. It is okay not to feel okay all the time, but you must take action if you notice that feeling down is your default mode. We hope you will be able to manage this issue and lead a happy and fulfilled life. 

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