How To Boost Furnace Efficiency

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Modern furnaces boast more than 90 percent energy-efficiency, which means a better performing HVAC system and lower utility bills. When your older system gives out, it’s a good idea to replace it with a newer, more efficient model. Until it’s time for a new system, it’s important to help your existing furnace function as efficiently as possible. Here are some ways to boost efficiency.

Keep up with regular maintenance.

Smart homeowners keep a schedule of regular maintenance for all aspects of their homes. It’s a good idea to have a professional furnace technician perform routine maintenance before cold weather sets in each year. A technician can ensure all parts are in working order and are operating at maximum efficiencies, such as the burners and air filters.

Knowing when it’s time to get a new furnace can be tricky for new homeowners. Even with routine furnace maintenance, older systems will eventually run their course. If your energy bills noticeably increase, it could be because your furnace doesn’t run efficiently due to serious mechanical issues. Several common furnace problems indicate it’s time for new furnace installation. If you schedule furnace repairs frequently, experience poor heating, or hear strange noises, then these are signs you need a new heating system.

The climate control specialists at E.J. Thompson & Son LLC have years of experience providing a range of HVAC and plumbing services, including air conditioning and furnace repair, furnace installation, controls and thermostats, and plumbing repair and installation. The HVAC technicians offer a satisfaction guarantee and use the best products available to complete your heating needs.

Modernize your thermostat.


One of the best ways to improve your furnace’s energy efficiency is to modernize your thermostat. A programmable thermostat can be as simple or tech-laden as you want. They reduce the amount of time your heating system runs during certain times of day, like when you are at work or sleeping. Different careers have different schedule demands. If you’re considering a career in medicine but don’t want to go through the demanding hours of a residency program, there’s good news.

The healthcare industry is booming and offers countless career options for those who are passionate about health and wellness. The good news is that you don’t have to go to medical school to pursue a career path in health care. There are plenty of medical specialties perfect for applicants with an associate degree, bachelor’s degree, or master’s degree. At Medica presents a handful of career options in medicine perfect for those enthusiastic about health, such as personal trainer, health coach, dietary supplements, writing a health blog, yoga instructor, and fitness vlogger. You can trust a modern thermostat to efficiently keep your home comfortable while you’re at any of these jobs.

Properly seal all seams.


Hot air and cold air notoriously finds their way through cracks and gaps in your home. An impressive 20 percent of the airflow in a typical HVAC system is lost to leaks. You can improve the energy efficiency of your HVAC unit by completing sealing the system’s ductwork. Also, seal any gaps or cracks that allow air leaks around the windows and doors with weather stripping and caulking.

Ensure you have adequate insulation.


No amount of sealing will prevent air leaks in an older system if it lacks adequate insulation. Ducts run through attics and crawl spaces, that when insulated, help trap lost heat. Properly insulating your attic and ductwork makes a significant difference in your room comfort and will make a noticeable difference in your utility bills.

Change the air filter.


Changing out your air filter can improve your system’s energy efficiency. A dirty air filter allows debris to build up and causes the heater to work harder. Not only does this result in higher utility bills, but there’s a greater chance that your heating system will break down sooner. Changing your air filter according to manufacturer recommendations helps protect your system, maintain good air quality, and reduce energy waste.

Keep these tips in mind to boost your furnace’s efficiency this winter season, and enjoy the difference in your room comfort and energy bills.

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