How To Choose The Right Instrument For Your Kid To Start Learning

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Every child has a unique way of learning; they learn differently. Some people are auditory learners meaning they understand through sound. Some others can understand through visualization, like seeing words and pictures. The kinesthetic ones also suggest they learn better by touching or doing rather than observing “pictures or videos.” Then some learn best by doing things themselves rather than asking for help.

How does this work for choosing instruments? Choosing the right instrument to start with will depend on your child’s innate ability to learn. Knowing what instrument to decide when it’s time for your kid to start taking music lessons is a tough one. You want something your kid will enjoy playing and stay interested in, but the options are almost endless. What you should do before making any decision is make a list of things that matter most to you. What Does it look like? Sound? Price range? Then read on.

kid playing music instrument

Choosing An Instrument For Kids: A List Of Considerations

All parents have the same objective in choosing an instrument for their kid: they want their child to be sure to continue learning it until they’re good enough at it. Choosing an instrument can be very tricky, so here’s a list of considerations to help you out:

music Instrument For Kids

1. Your Kid’s Interests & Abilities

First, go to an instrument store and let your child play around with the different ones there. Then choose the one he seems to be most interested in. If it trumpets, then that’s fine as long as your kid is capable of learning how to play them properly. Kids are very talented at doing things they’re passionate about; take advantage of this. Let them also know how to read the sheet music for the trumpet to get even better at it. After all, children do what interests them best. It might also help if you’ll ask professional musicians or music teachers which instruments they think are suitable for kids starting.

2. Price & Quality

This doesn’t mean you should choose the most expensive one out there because it’s good; in fact, your kid may not be talented enough to make use of its quality. On the other hand, you shouldn’t settle with an inferior-quality product if your child is passionate about playing an instrument – it won’t help him grow as much as he could have otherwise. If you can, go for mid-range that will provide decent sound but will last long enough even after years of constant playing. You may also want to consider renting an instrument for your child. You don’t have to pay the total price immediately when buying one, only a fraction of it every month or year.

3. Durability & Maintenance

Your kid will play his instrument every day and practice a lot as well, so make sure that the product you’ll choose can withstand all those things without wearing out too quickly. Selecting an instrument made from high-quality materials would be best because they’re guaranteed not to lose their shape or color even after years of constant use – or abuse. Make sure it’s solid enough not to break when mishandled by your kid as well – this usually happens to kids with short attention spans, so look out for those moments when he’s restless and choose an instrument that’s safe to handle.

4. The Age Factor

Kids usually develop some interest in their instruments around five years of age. As mentioned earlier, this depends on the kid’s preferred learning style. So what are you supposed to do if your child’s four years old and wants to play something? You’ll have to consider purchasing a toy instrument or baby piano that he can start with until that time comes when it’s no longer appropriate anymore. Keep in mind that the best time to teach your kid how to play an instrument is when they’re still young; this will give them the chance to develop the necessary skills their growing minds need.

5. Child’s Personality

When choosing an instrument for your kid, don’t limit your options to only one type of music. For instance, if he shows a preference for classical and loves playing the piano, let him play the violin so he can experience other types of music as well. Sometimes, what we think our child would love doesn’t match his actual preferences. On the other hand, children who want more opportunities for socializing may choose something where they’ll have the chance to meet other students and go for group lessons. Let your little one choose whatever musical path he likes best instead of forcing him to follow what you want – just like in every aspect of parenting.

6. Classes Required To Play & Payment Schedule

What will be your kid’s learning process? Will you take him for group lessons or hire a private tutor? This will depend on the instrument he chooses and his schedule. For instance, your kid may only have time to go for weekly lessons, and it may not be practical to hire a private tutor (this can be very expensive after all). Your child may also need more classes than other children because he doesn’t learn fast enough or has challenges in playing his chosen instrument. So help him choose by all means but let them go through the process of elimination by themselves. Some kids may need to take private music lessons. Others prefer group classes. Also, know if you’ll have monthly or weekly payment schedules so that you can set your budget accordingly.

7. Accessories Availability

Instruments may require accessories to use appropriately. For instance, a violin will need a bow and a music stand. A trumpet will need a mouthpiece, reeds, brushes for the keys, mute & straps for the guitar. So make sure these things are included in your kid’s package. Accessories may be expensive, so look for discounts or promo ads related to your chosen instrument before buying it. If you have no idea what they are or how they work, ask the salesperson about it, so you’ll have at least an idea of how to shop for one.

Remember that your kid’s first and foremost goal should be to learn how to play the instrument, not the cost. This means you shouldn’t compare prices or brands because what matters is what they think about it. Compromise only as much as possible without compromising quality; your child’s education should always come first.

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