How To Create The Perfect Pre-Bed Routine For Your Toddler

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Sleep is one of the most talked-about topics when it comes to babies and toddlers. It becomes an odd taboo and expectation that all children should be asleep by 7 pm and sleep for twelve hours straight! It’s safe to say that sleep is not one size fits all whatever your age. 

Creating the perfect pre-bed routine for your toddler will ultimately come down to you and your child. From bathtime to toothbrushing, storytime and screen time, there is a lot you can do to ease your little one into bedtime. 

Here’s our rundown of the perfect pre-bed routine:

  1. Predictable & regular bedtime

Children love patterns. So much so that they will often ask for the same story, play with the same toys and enjoy listening to the same song over and over again. Patterns establish a routine and help your little one to thrive in understanding the big world around them. 

Sticking to a regular bedtime will help your little one master their circadian rhythm – when they sleep in the day and when they sleep in the night. In theory, sleep will come more quickly as they get used to the daily patterns of life. 

  1. Bathtime fun

Most toddlers love bathtime. It’s a magical space full of bubbles, brightly coloured toys and warmth! Water play is also a great way of nurturing your child’s imagination as they get fresh and clean before bed. 

Having a bath before bed is an excellent tool for getting your little one to sleep. When your body’s temperature dips, it encourages your body to think that you have gone from daytime to night-time. The urge to sleep is naturally made stronger as your body readjusts to room temperature. 

Building bathtime into your toddler’s pre-bed routine will not only encourage better sleep, but it’ll make bedtime smoother for everyone. 

  1. Toothbrushing

Oral dental hygiene is more important to establish from your babe’s first days than later on in life. Think of toothbrushing as a foundation for growing adult teeth. Painful trips to the dentist, braces and wonky teeth can all be avoided if you start toothbrushing well. 

If you have already built bathtime into your toddler’s routine, then adding toothbrushing into the mix isn’t a far stretch. From dental baby wipes for the first precious days to a plaque fighting electric toothbrush, your toddler can learn lifelong toothbrushing skills at home. 

Brushing your teeth with your little one will encourage them to get into the hard to reach areas as well as learning technique. 

Toddler tantrums are a part of life for any developing child. When this happens, you may need to think about how to make toothbrushing more interactive and fun. Tell a story, dance to your child’s favourite song or get their favourite toy involved to make toothbrushing a joy and not a chore!

  1. Limit screen time

Winding down before bed can mean a lot of different things for everyone. Watching your toddler’s favourite TV show before bed may seem like an excellent idea. However, it often overstimulates your child’s sensory experience right when they need to calm down for bed. 

Turning off electrical devices such as tablets, phones and the television an hour before bedtime, will let your toddler know that it’s nearly bedtime. Choosing a calming activity like colouring, reading or listening to relaxing music will help your toddler relax. 

Generally, it’s a good idea not to have any screens in the bedroom at night time. That way, your child knows that their bedroom is a place for sleep!

  1. Limit drinks before bedtime

Allowing your little one to have a drink just before bedtime can have nightlong consequences! Limiting drinks an hour before bedtime will help reduce any accidents or late-night toilet breaks! 

It will also encourage your toddler to utilise their waking hours better, by fitting in their wants and needs in the daytime. 

  1. The last toilet stop before bed

Whether your toddler is still in a nappy, potty training or nailed using the toilet already, make sure to fit in the last toilet stop before bedtime. This will save you stumbling around at night time to sort out any accidents or late-night wanderings to the bathroom. 

Building a toilet stop into your toddler’s routine will help with bladder control, and encourage a better nights sleep!

  1. Safe & secure

For some toddlers, separation anxiety, sensory disorders and conditions like ADHD can really interrupt their sleep. Feeling safe and secure in their own room can instantly encourage a better nights sleep. 

Investing in a weighted blanket stimulates deep pressure to the point that it feels like a warm hug. So when your little one calls out for you in the middle of the night, they often want to feel your touch and feel comforted. That’s where a weighted blanket can help! 

A grouchy tired toddler is no fun! A weighted blanket encourages children to get to sleep quicker and to have a deeper and longer sleep as a result. Sounds like magic!

  1. Have a chat

Letting your toddler unload their day is a great way of encouraging better sleep. Find out what they have enjoyed, what made them smile and what made them sad. 

Having a chat with your toddler is a special bonding time. It allows you both to understand and get to know eachother better. You can also see what makes your toddler tick! So take your time to get to build your relationship.

  1. Storytime

There’s nothing better than a good book. Instilling stories into your babe from a young age is excellent for building up their language and reading skills as well as how they explore their world. 

Reading a story before bed will encourage your child to relax and ease into sleep. It’s also a shared experience for both of you. So, enjoy the moment!

  1. Lullaby

Music is soothing. There’s something in the muted tones and gentle words that make a lullaby the perfect antidote to restlessness. Your child loves you, your voice and your very presence. Singing your toddler to sleep will make you share a special bond like no other!

Ready to try your perfect toddler pre-bed routine? Establishing good habits early on will last a lifetime for your developing child. Make sure to take time to enjoy the little things too!

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