How to Get Better at Yoga: 10 Helpful Tips

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There are multiple health, mental and physical benefits that come with practicing yoga regularly. Yet, as a beginner starting yoga can be challenging and even somewhat embarrassing.

The first thing every beginner should understand is that yoga is more than poses in the yoga studio. Integrating the lifestyle of the practice into your daily routine is essential.

Check out these 10 tips on how to get better at yoga.

1. Know Your Why

Sometimes yoga will become challenging and you may get discouraged. Being clear on why you joined yoga and what you want to accomplish with the practice is what will keep you going.

Before you even book a class or pull out a mat, take time to think and take note of why yoga is important to you. Whenever you feel like quitting, revisit your reason and remind yourself why you’re doing it.

2. Get the Right Materials

It’s important that you practice yoga with the right materials. Having your basic equipment, including a mat and yoga block, can help your practice. Even though many yoga studios provide yoga mats, getting a personal one is a good idea.

Choosing a high-quality mat solidifies your foundation and builds great practice. It will also help when you decide to practice alone.

Wearing the wrong clothes during yoga sessions may also slow you down. Since you’re on your back and tummy during many poses, make sure you were supportive clothing for extra comfort. Loose clothes also stick to your limbs during practice.

3. Get Grounded Before Your Practice

This is probably the most critical tip on how to get better at yoga. Getting grounded is a practice of calming the mind. Leave all your thoughts and stress at the door and allow yourself to relax before starting your practice.

Bring your awareness from the long day ahead of you right to your mat for some “you” time. Setting aside a few minutes before yoga to detox and settle in gives better results.

If you’re practicing yoga at home, sit on your mat for a few minutes, and tap into your awareness. If you’re going to class, try to get there before the time for the pre-process.

Yoga can be therapeutic when you utilize the proper steps like grounding. You can read more about this here.

4. Focus on Your Breath 

Yoga is a process that aims at consciously linking movement and breathing. Once your mind starts wondering (which can happen often) bring it back by focusing on your breathing pattern.

This will help keep you present by silencing your mind and enjoy the serenity of yoga, which is the whole point.

5. Find Your Drishti

This is another practical tip on how to get good at yoga. Drishti is the act of steadying your gauze. This is crucial because your mind goes where your eyes go? and that is the same for your thoughts.

When you have a calm mind, you stay in the present moment. Now you can mindfully direct your focus with a gaze that is both controlled and present during practice. Drishti can help you during balancing poses as well as decreasing distractions.

6. Start from the Top

You might want to skip right to doing that full split or other cool moves. But you’ve got to start from somewhere. It’s such a clich but that’s one yoga tip for beginners you should always remember.

When the basics might not be the idea of what you had in mind, follow through the process (and trust the process). For the first stages try focusing on the simple yoga moves. Also, take it slow.

How does this help?

  • Increasing your awareness which helps you stay safe as you can see if you’re overstretching
  • Increase your strength as muscles need leverage and not speed to fully workout
  • Increase your ability to move faster easily as you can catch your mistakes easily 

7. Eat Light Before Class

A full belly can make you very uncomfortable when practicing certain posture twists. Eat light foods like cereal bars, green smoothies, or a slice of whole-wheat toast. Try to avoid heavy meats, dairy, and sugar.

After the meal, give yourself one or two hours for digestion to take place.

8. Stay Hydrated

Like with any intense physical exhaustion, it’s crucial to keep your body hydrated during yoga. As you sweat, blood thickens and your heart beats faster.

While this is good for your immune and metabolic function, it can put a strain on your body. So, your yoga performance could be a struggle if you don’t get a sufficient amount of hydration.

9. Don’t Judge Yourself

You can often be your worst enemy when it comes to matters of self-confidence. Just as your body gradually changes, so does your practice from one day to another. You may be feeling better some days than you do on others.

Your attitude is what matters most while practicing yoga. Being willing to accept your body and keeping an open mind goes a long way in banishing your negative self-talk.

10. Keep a Yoga Journal

If you want to get better at yoga, make sure you apply a system to monitor your progress. A journal helps in tracking your goals and intentions. 

Using a few minutes to reflect and write how you feel before and after yoga is a very important ritual. It keeps you aware of your progress on the mat and emotionally.

Do you want to Know How to Get Better at Yoga?

Although yoga comes with so many benefits, it may not feel that way when you’re getting started. Yet, you shouldn’t give up and assume it isn’t for you.

With consistency, your mind will eventually learn to stay in the present and allow you to enjoy the peace that comes with the art. These tips on how to get better at yoga can help you improve your practice.

For more yoga tips, visit our blog.

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