How To Handle Dizziness During Pregnancy

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As a pregnant woman, the progesterone in your body will amplify the flow of blood to the baby resulting in low blood pressure and reduced flow of blood to the brain. As a pregnant woman, this disoriented feeling of unsteadiness or vertigo is bound to make you feel dizzy and like you would fall down flat or faint- also a common symptom of pregnancy.

When does dizziness generally start during pregnancy?

Dizziness, though one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, typically begins only around week 12 and the first few weeks of the second trimester of pregnancy.

Is dizziness a common early sign of pregnancy?

No, pregnancy is not a common early sign of pregnancy. As mentioned, dizziness during pregnancy usually occurs only between the 12th week and the first few weeks of the second trimester of pregnancy. Having said that, some women may feel dizzy even during early pregnancy due to low blood sugar and morning sickness.

What causes dizziness during pregnancy?

So you know dizziness happens during pregnancy and you also know around what week or at what point in pregnancy could you expect it. But what causes dizziness during pregnancy? Dizziness can be associated with multiple factors, a few of which include-

  • Expanding circulatory system: As a pregnant woman, your circulatory system expands to take care of the baby’s food and oxygen needs. however, dizziness may take place if your body is unable to produce enough blood to sufficiently provide for the expanding circulatory system
  • High levels of progesterone: Progesterone shoots up in the bodies of expecting mothers and the said high levels of progesterone then cause the blood vessels to expand and widen. This relaxation in muscles increases the blood flow to the baby but slows down the circulation of blood to your own body, thereby causing low blood pressure. Low blood pressure, as you may know, cuts the flow of blood to the brain and hence, the dizziness.
  • The growing uterus: As your baby grows, the growing uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels causing you to feel dizzy. This is more particularly true when you’re lying on your back or tend to suddenly get up from a lying down position.
  • Body heat: As your baby grows, your body generates more and more heat to accommodate the changes within. This increased body heat, hence, tends to cause dizziness in pregnancy.
  • Low blood sugar levels: Dehydration and low sugar can also cause lightheadedness during pregnancy.
  • Anemia: Iron deficiency or anemia during pregnancy can also be a cause of dizziness and make you feel lightheaded since anemia means your oxygen-carrying blood cells are depleted. Hence, ensure that your diet supplies you with enough iron for a healthy pregnancy. Women who pass out or faint with a pre-existing condition of anemia should be reported to a doctor or midwife immediately.

How to deal with dizziness during pregnancy?

Dizziness during pregnancy is indeed normal but it is not a feeling you should get used to or ignore. Every time you feel dizzy, no matter where you are and how many times it occurs during the day, stop immediately and sit down if you are standing. 

On the days you experience dizziness, try to avoid the driving, gym, and working for long periods. It is also advised that you get up slowly from a sitting or lying position to avoid dizziness. Also, do not ever hesitate to ask for help when you need it- even if you are in a public place.

Here are some sleeping positions during pregnancy that help reduce dizziness-

  • If you feel a little too dizzy and a fainting sensation, it is recommended to lie down with elevated feet in order to increase the blood flow to the brain. 
  • If you are in a place where you cannot lay flat, sit down slowly and bend forward with your head between the knees- as far as you can – and take deep, slow, and relaxed breaths. 
  • If you can neither sit nor stand, just kneel down on a knee and bend forward as though trying to tie your shoelaces and hold that position as long as dizziness persists.

What should I do to prevent dizziness during pregnancy?

Apart from the common and obvious suggestions like avoid intensive physical activities and keep yourself hydrated, here are a few extra tips on how pregnant women can prevent dizziness during pregnancy-

  • Avoid jerky movements 

Throughout your pregnancy, never stand or sit too quickly as it can cause blood pressure to drop and thereby cause dizziness.

  • Munch (guiltlessly!)

Apart from your nutritious three big diets (make sure they are a mix of proteins and carbs alike), try to munch on some carb-heavy foods between meals (like cookies or whole grain bread) to maintain or stabilize your blood sugar levels. if you instead want to munch on healthy snacks, you can eat fruits, dry fruits like raisins and perhaps, whole-wheat cheese crackers. Always carry a snack in your handbag when you are outdoors for an instant kick of blood sugar – you never know when you’d need it!

  • Hydrate

Dehydration is one of the biggest reasons for dizziness during pregnancy. You will only make the matter worse if you do not supply your body with enough fluids throughout the day. Aim for at least 13-14 glasses of water each day (more the merrier!).

  • Avoid lying on your back

Each time you lie on your back as a pregnant woman, especially second and third trimester onwards, your uterus becomes vena cava vulnerable to being pressed by the uterus, and hence, your blood circulation may then go for a toss, causing dizziness. It should be noted that the vena cava is the main vein responsible to carry the blood to the heart from the lower region of the body.

  • Do not wear tight clothing

Tight clothing or many layers of clothing can make you feel suffocated due to overheating from clothing + the heat of the body. Hence, try to wear loose, and airy clothes during pregnancy- especially if yours is a summer pregnancy.

  • Break the monotony

Do not sit, stand or lie down in one position for too long during pregnancy. Try to instead take quick short walks or spend some time in the open fresh air. This will not only help you deal with the dizzy spells but will also help you overcome other pregnancy symptoms like swelling in feet and general discomfort. Also, avoid cramped places because they can cause you to feel suffocated, and trigger dizziness.

How long does dizziness last in pregnancy?

This may not come to you as good news but dizziness during pregnancy, which starts at second and third trimesters, can last to the end of your pregnancy and subside only after the baby is born.

Final Thoughts: When should I be worried about dizziness during pregnancy?

If you are experiencing dizziness during pregnancy, here are some events where you should reach out to your healthcare provider ASAP –

  • If you have a pre-existing condition of anemia or iron deficiency
  • If you experience vaginal bleeding along with lightheadedness
  • If you experience heavy/frequent nausea and vomiting with dizziness

Apart from these events, we recommend you go with your gut, and if you feel your dizziness is due to another underlying reason and not the common, pre-defined causes of dizziness, do not think twice and reach out to your doctor immediately. 

Your life, as an expecting parent will turn upside down, often requiring you to make multiple changes in your lifestyle, requiring you to think about your baby even when making a decision for yourself. But, devoting your life to your little one and making sure they are healthy, happy, and content- is that not Parenthood bliss, after all!?


1) Is dizziness during pregnancy a symptom of preeclampsia?

No, dizziness during pregnancy should not be associated with preeclampsia or since preeclampsia is caused due to high blood pressure levels and protein in urine whereas dizziness is caused due to low blood pressure.

2) Should I go to the hospital for dizziness while pregnant?

Though dizziness is a common symptom of pregnancy, you may want to visit your doctor or to report your dizziness during pregnancy if it gets severe and makes it difficult for you to carry out your daily activities.

3) Is dizziness during pregnancy a symptom of miscarriage?

No, lightheadedness is not a common symptom of miscarriage. The more common and relevant symptoms of miscarriage include heavy vaginal bleeding, intense abdominal cramping, and in fact, a sudden disappearance of symptoms of pregnancy like dizziness and morning sickness.

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