How To Handle Your Ex Online Dating After a Break-Up

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Breakups are painful. That is a fact. The feeling of parting ways with someone who had become an important part of your life can shake you to the very core. Many people don’t know what to do after a breakup. Even more about how to handle their ex online dating on sites such as eharmony or after a breakup.

So how do you handle your ex online dating;

1. Don’t Blow the cover. 

After a break up the pain is intense. You suddenly realize you hate your ex. Which is natural, and you can’t be blamed for that. Nevertheless, blowing your exes cover will not get him or her back. Maybe he lied about his height or weight on an online dating platform. Let it slide. Did you that 90% of the people on dating sites lie about their weight and height?

2. Avoid stalking. 

When you get sick due to taking something or doing a particular activity, your doctor’s first advice will be to keep the item. This is for your own health. The same applies to your ex. By constantly going through their social media, all you achieve is hurting yourself . Please spend that time talking to some of your friends.

3. No like No Comment.

You were with your ex for a while. You got used to liking or commenting on their pictures online. Then it was acceptable, but after a break-up, it’s not. More so if your ex has moved on. This will seem like a desperate move

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