How to Keep Skin Clear while Wearing a Face Mask

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Like COVID-19 isn’t stressful enough, recent reports state that wearing a facial mask can be very bad for certain types of skin. Don’t worry about face mask skin irritation, however. You will just have to take better care of your face and use specific precautions. Remember, it is still imperative that you wear your custom mask while in a public setting.

Not everyone will experience dermatological issues, but those that do will have to deal with redness, irritation, dryness, and even acne. This is because masks rub and press on your face, and the friction clogs pores or chafes against the surface of the skin. You may even have an allergy to the material that your face covering is made from, and this, too, could cause your skin to break out in rashes.

Fortunately, there are many treatments, products, and home remedies available to lessen or eradicate this timely issue. Here is a look at just a few of the things that you can try to eliminate each possible problem:

1. Taking Aim at Acne

Face mask-induced acne, coined

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